The largest in history is what they are all buzzing about. Does this mean that Jehovah will save the Internet at Armageddon?
New Campaign
by awakenyr2004 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL! Good question!
I wonder how this will turn out, though. In our cong. there are significantly fewer Auxiliary Pioneers than the first time the 30-hour requirement was announced. Thus far, it's a bust on that front.
I think like in 1917 they will proclaim the end did happen Armageddon did take place, invisible.
Like Rahab's section of wall surviving the collapse of Jericho's walls, will be the only domain to survive Armageddon when the angel assigned to the Internet wields his cyber-scythe of divine judgment.
How do they go from demonizing the internet to using it as a preaching tool?
LOL Apognophos! No doubt in time they will come up with some crazy ass thinking about how will still work after the big A.
" How do they go from demonizing the internet to using it as a preaching tool? "
Yhe GB have Brass necks.
funny sparky1