Has anyone heard of Jehovah's Witnesses praying for the Christians and Non Christians in the Middle East and Western Asia during the Slaughter of Islamic Radicals? How many prayers did/have you heard for Non JWs while attending the Kingdom Hall? The Prayer for the City Council man or woman to grant their permit to build a Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall? The Bible teaches to pray for everyone yet I don't recall any prayers from any JWs (publisher to Governing Body) asking for God's help to aid people in distress or harm's way, do you?
Have you ever heard Jehovah's Witnesses Praying for Non JWs Getting Killed by Islam?
by BucketShopBill 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Honestly, I really can't say if they did or not. When I hear a GB member give a prayer at a assembly, they go on so long. I usually lose myself in the moment and my thoughts tend to drift away. My reality tends to travel back to my brain when I hear the word, "Amen". Then, I join the applause to thank the person for finally running out of breath. Others may aplaud for different reasons
JWs praying for non-JWs? Are you drunk?
Non-JWs are of this world. Deserving of death. A proper JW would never waste prayer on buzzard food.
QB: correct. EVERY final prayer of any convention is a summary which is to say J cant recall what was done an needs to be reminded. No, I have NEVER heard any mention for anything other than wt interests.
Syria. Iraq, numerous African butcherings, Cambodia torn to bits by PolPot and his thugs, the Vietnam war and the list is tragically long. If 6 million jw were pressing their prayers into service you can onlu speculate the difference it would have made. One angel we are told killed 100,000 in one night; hm angels? one thinks they must be champing at the bit to deal with the despots of the world and bring peace, safety, a rejuvenated earth to many creeds and nations. Perhaps their 'Commanding Officer' need only to be asked.
Imagine isis moving out to terrorize an entire people and all their weapons disemble before their eyes, artillery doesnt fire and the butchers knives remain locked in the sheaths their water supplies turn to urine and a sand storm of never be seen before proportions blows the bloody lot of them off the ground and dumps them into the sea.
six million people praying for divine justice ? It would relevant and for conventioners make an inspirational change from hearing brother drone rambling on.
When did you ever hear a jw pray for a president?
1 Timothy 2:1-4
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Why thankyou MM. You said it beautifully.
I prayed for non-jws all the time. I remember getting offended when I finally noticed that all prayers at the kh were for elders, their wives, and the pioneers. I actually approached an elder about that. Anyways, there has to b ppl at the kh that pray for non jws and for the resolution of world events, but they probably do so privately.
losingit: I remember getting offended when I finally noticed that all prayers at the kh were for elders, their wives, and the pioneers. I actually approached an elder about that.
You should start a thread and tell us about this... if you haven't already.
No.. I never heard a K H prayer mention the Palestinians either. Actually what could such a prayer say? They do not believe that God would intervene in the "affairs of Satan's world" - only to help their "brothers" maybe. God is supposedly leaving mankind to it, in the hands of Satan until Jesus comes with his heavenly army to sweep the system away.
The only light on the horizen is that nowadays they think that all judging is in the future so these people might get a ress into the New World..maybe.
Of course they will have to then accept the beliefs of J W's or get finished off again...