Question : How many jehovahs Witnesses does it take to make one of their predictions come true.

by smiddy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    We are looking at something like 135 years since the magazine "Zions Watchtower And Herald Of Christs Presence " began in 1879 ?

    Despite the fact that the actual heading of their official magazine shows they had Zionist sympathies , and how did that pan out ?

    Heralding Christs presence as beginning in 1879 ? Thats obviously changed

    The"Red Flag "should go up with current jehovahs Witnesses as to why the Governing Body see`s the need to revise the history of Jehovahs Witnesses to their present theology and purge all other references to previous beleifs held by them.


  • smiddy

    What ! no comments at all ? Pros or cons ? This is a discussion forum isnt it ?

    Were the International Bible Students pro Zionists ?

    Wasnt the I.B.S.A. the precursor to jehovahs witnesses , stating that Jesus Christs presence began in 1874 ? or was it 1879 ? , the JW`s revise their history so much its hard for the most dedicated witness to keep up with their NU-LITE .

    Come on guys lets help lurkers to put their thinking caps on and use the brain that they beleive Jehovah gave them in the first place .


  • Dis-Member

    This is maybe one of the most vague posts I have ever seen in here. Don't have a clue what your actually asking. Apparently 212 people don't either. (post views at the time)

  • stillin

    Smiddy, you know that "the truth" is whatever is current. The light gets brighter, right? No matter how wrong they were before, they called it "the truth" so truth lovers from all over the world held onto the skirts of a Jew and joined in. If you want to be "in the truth" you MUST believe the current false teaching.

  • Apognophos

    Sadly, for someone who wants to believe, all they think is, "Wow, the Society's been around for a long time, what a great history we have!" They're not interested in the specifics and as long as they think the Society is continuing to improve its teachings and move forward, they couldn't care less about the wacky details of old light. I think a better way to get a JW to think is to point out changes that don't seem particularly like improvement, since that ruins the illusion that the light is getting brighter. The new generation teaching is a real clunker and some JWs have noticed the absolute lack of scriptural support for the change.

  • smiddy


    Why the heading " {Zions} Watchtower and Herald of christs presence." ? Doesnt this at least indicate that C.T.Russell was a Zionist sympathiser ?

    Did jesus invisible presence begin in 1874 ? or did it begin in 1879 ?

    And when did his 1000 year rule begin ? 1874 , 1879 , 1914 , ?.... or 33 C.E.

    Or when Jesus was recognised as King of the Jews in the first century .


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