Just saw this and while watching I thought 'he might as well be talking about the GB!' Both ways, he's telling it the way it is!
George Carlin about 'government'... project it on the GB and you get the picture!
by Bruja-del-Sol 5 Replies latest social entertainment
Yep...he nailed it! Now what will "you do?"
Well, yes, unfortunately that's human nature. Even attempts in school to teach kids critical thinking largely fail. There's no need for people in power to "keep" anyone from thinking because thinking is not a priority for humans. As long as they're able to procure food and shelter then they're not going to be motivated enough to actually change the way things work. It's much easier to just keep voting for the same guys and then, when something goes wrong, blame the politicians they thoughtlessly elected.
" Even attempts in school to teach kids critical thinking largely fail " This is because if critical Thinking is taught properly, everything is questioned, including the authority and capabilities of the Teacher.
As an Authority Figure the teacher does not want the children's thinking skills to develop that far !
I will do nothing. I'm content. George Carlin was telling the truth and making many shrewd observations when he was alive. I'm not doing anything.