Personally i think this riddle can be read a few ways.
Bitter Mango guessed the official way.
(There are three words in 'the(1) english(2) language(3)',
What is the third word? Language)
(Not sure 'bout all those other words, are they english?
Maybe old english?)
My clues would have been (heehee):
Clue One: Look closely and I have already given you the third word. What is it?
Also. Initially I thought the answer was what.
'What' is the third word?
'What' is it?
And the fact that 'what' is a word everyone speaks every day.
Then. I discovered that 'gry' was an English word itself, but the last time it was published in any dictionary was something like 1939.
Clue Two: snoop around at
Good job Bitter Mango,
you are a quick study.
Good hunting Lilacs!