Who caught the photo of the Eight Year-Old Birthday Cake Photo? What was that all about? The show was better than no publicity, I think any type of news informing the public there is a problem that exists with Pedophiles in setting we assume are safe is good. What's up with the Birthday Cake, what did you think? Glad you got a chance to see this freak finally get more exposure, that's how the last two men were killed, exposure and the internet.
Why did John Walsh, "The Hunt" Pedophile Brother Mclean Show a Birthday Cake?
by BucketShopBill 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I laughed when I saw that. Also how they kept referring to the Jehovah Witness Church.
Frick man, do some research. I am sure the phone calls and emails are now piling up at the office of John Walsh.
under the radar
Yeah, I also noticed a couple of scenes where they showed a regular (probably King James Version) bible instead of the New World Translation that JW's use almost exclusively. Little details like that detract from an otherwise excellent piece.
I worked with a WTS PR person (local) and he said that they used those terms to make it more understandable.
Was Walsh raised a jw? I haven't seen the whole thing but I caught the church thing. Is this family still in the organization?
I didn't catch the very beginning, but was the family of the accuser in the show JW? It would make the other referances ( and birthday cake) make more sense if they were't JW. That family was the first to press charges, (which was also making more sense if they weren't JW, they had no pressure from the congregation to stay silent) . Though it was when another girl, one in "the church" came forward was when the accusers family was told and then they contacted authorities. Also, that there were more, and he had used his ( did I hear that right) "elevated position" in "the church" to gain trust and used the door to door to scope out victims. At the end the show vaguely suggest he is still inovled, but lumped "some other religions" as possibly giving him refuge.
In a way, this show might be watched by JWs more readily when the JW/watchtower hs not ben "attacked" in their eyes. But, it is sad the general public did not get more information, and that is what a mainstream media show should be doing. :-( The media needs to give the reason behind the attraction of a pedo to the JW religion and why this is so. The only reason I felt was barely referanced was the access to potential victims through the door to door.
The family stated they went into Field service together so I think they were actually dubs.
Does anyone remember the name of the family ?? I can't watch it at work again.
Even with positive stories about JWs, the media seems to get some of the details wrong. I assume most stories, no matter the topic, are like this and only those well-versed in the matter can spot the inevitable inaccuracies that would only matter to those well-versed.
For the purposes of educating the general public, this might be adequate, but a JW will pick at such things.