The change in the Dedication Questions in the Baptism Ceremonies of all JWs worldwide.Question #2 used to state:
"On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for redemption have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to Jehovah God, to do his will henceforth as that will is revealed to you through Christ Jesus and through God's Word as His Holy Spirit makes it plain?" (See Wt 1970 pg. 309 par. 20)
New Question #2 (the more improved version)
"Do you understand that your deication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?" (See 6/1/85 Wt. pg. 30 par. 3,4)
In the new improved question, you are no longer directed by (a) Christ Jesus, (b) The Bible and the leadings of the (c) "holy spirit," of God.
So, how are JWs now Well, JWs can no longer make the claim they are led by Jesus, the Holy spirit and the bible, no, no, because of the change, yes...since the year of 1985, since they are NOW DIRECTED by the "organization," the "spirit-directed organization," WHICH TAKES THE PLACE of (a) Jesus Christ, (b)The Bible and the leadings of the (c) Holy Spirit of God.
Which Questions posed to the baptismal is MORE BIBLE BASED...which? Which one is a "commandment of men," which?
I think you can answer that one.
Well, that's the improvement of the questions in 1985, five years after the "Bethel Breakup", and 10 years after the "1975 teaching," perpetrated by the "spirit-directed organization," Headquartered in Brooklyn New York. That's the change, that's the improvement.
Yes, these are proven "commandments of men," "traditions of men," yes idolatry, "creature worship" all accepted and practiced by JWs, and the WTS. All neatly, swept "under the rug," and dismissed as "never, ever happening at all." They never made any such changes in their "dedication" ceremonies...this never happened, or it is of "little consequence," to them. Yes, they are free from any involvement of "creature worship," idolatry, worship of man, and his traditions.