Could I get sum cult links?

by jerome 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jerome

    Can any of you posters provide some good links to anticult sites or articles.

    I've been to, and others but I need something more specific.

    I was thinking about anything around the lines of an article explaining in detail any or all of the following:

    1) How cults use decietfull recruting tacktics. Especially how they put on a show for the new converts but only reveal the true doctrines/attitudes after the recruit is hooked;

    2) How clts cause an individual to doubt his own judgement where by the individual is left to believe that the cult leader is always right;

    3) How cults do an excelent job of demonizing their apostates and the practices of their mainstream counterparts leaving the individual whith a feeling that there is nowhere else left to go;

    The last is the most important because i've heard the excuse that even though the group may have made mistakes in the past that no other organisation/group/person is teaching the truth therefore I have nowhere else to go.

    Any links providing a detailed analysis of any of the point mentioned above would be very helpfull to me.


    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and there may be hell to pay.

  • DevonMcBride
  • Lady Lee
  • AjaxMan


    You can check out

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Personally i like looking at the info produced by the cults themselves. Always the best source.
    Lots of stuff on
    Go to the "groups" window. Hundreds of cult links in there.

  • sf

    Get used to those valuable SEARCH ENGINES.

    You will find literally thousands of pages on all types of cults and sects.

    I've got over 200 bookmarked, on just cults.

    Play around with keywords:

    cults, sects, american religions, mind control, etc.

    Happy trails jerome.

  • revdrjohnson
    revdrjohnson <font face="arial">recovering former cultists' support network</font> <font face="arial">Information about Cults and Psychological Manipulation</font>

  • MikeMusto
  • plmkrzy

    This is kool. I went to that rickross site
    How to be a Cult Leader (12 minute video)

    Life sucks...get a helmet
    [email protected]

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