The German Branch Committee informed in a letter from August 12th 2014 all congregations that the distribution of literature will be carried out by DB Schenker logistics effective October 13 th 2014. Branch owned trucks will no longer be used.
Distribution of literature will change
by Elisa1966 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cool! A big, methed-up guy with a fat cigar sticking out of his face will be standing next to his truck in the KH parking lot. He'll be pissed off that Brother Pioneer/Elder is late showing up.
St George of England
Thank you
stillin, LOL!
So will all the bethel boy truck drivers get sent home or given different jobs I wonder?
Our Bethel Boy Truck Driver used to stop for "a cup of tea" with a Sister who was a single mum, and gave her a goodbye kiss in full view of the neighbours.
I wonder how many of them he had on his travels ? He will have to get his naughty thrills elsewhere now.
The letter was addressed to the congregation service committee and was not read out in the midweek service meeting. Perhaps someone has the english version of the letter.
Also they have "outsourced" the business-card printing. Central Europe Branch (Selters) could do it - but other branches have not all the machines to do this job also. So US HQ decieded, that every branch has to pay a external printing company for this job. About 25.000.000 cards are ordered for the Europe branch.
Distibution is still done to assembly halls not to kingdom halls.
The real news is that the org bragged for decades that they could do it cheaper on their own. I think it also says something about overall predictions on tonage shipped. If its cheaper to outsource then they are clearly signaling a downturn in quanity moved.
And the inexorable downsizing continues.