i thought it was on youtube. Did them big Cowboys at the top remove it?
I can not find the recording of Fred Franz talk at Bethel about Governing Body being unscritual
by Greybeard 7 Replies latest jw friends
Separation of Powers
Don't think it was a video on youtube....I have seen a video from the Gilead graduation where he and Knorr both publicly denounced the idea prior to its enactment. I think it was a link on Dogpatch's webpage...Freeminds....If the video is no longer accessible, look for the audio...it is just as damning. SOP
I disagree. To those over 50 yea it means something.... To the majority, no. They have been conditioned to accept the ever changing nature of "truth" and couldnt care any less about a change in organizational structure from 40 years ago. Its all about "organization" and those men were just cogs in the machine, not an authority to themselves to be heeded if its incovient to current "truth
That particular lecture of Fred Franz given at Gilead Graduation in 1972 and many more lectures by prominent WT leaders can be found on my website. Here's the link:
bats in the belfry
Alluding to Franz's eisegesis the Watchtower publication put this in print:
Addressing the graduates, F. W. Franz showed why they were not being sent by any ecclesiastical body such as exists in the churches of Christendom. According to the Scriptures, neither Philip nor the apostle Paul, two outstanding evangelizers or missionaries in the first century C.E., received missionary assignments from the apostolic body at Jerusalem. Both men did their work under the direction of the real head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ. Paul had, in fact, been directly chosen by Jesus as an apostle to the nations. Later, at the direction of God’s spirit, Paul and his companion Barnabas were sent out from the Antioch congregation. Both men recognized their assignment as having come, not from men, but from Jesus Christ. The missionaries trained at Gilead School can also be confident of Christ’s backing and direction.
w75 11/1 p. 672 - Graduates of Gilead’s 59th Class Urged to Stick to the Work
Just want to say a huge thank you to
the Andersons for their marvelous document
site. Priceless information!