Why are K Halls small?
future increase in members they get no money from the RBC. I understand all this applies across western europe as well.
* The RBC gets its money from congregation donations within its region and these funds are directed to where the
Facts to weigh up
* In the UK, kingdom halls have a seated capacity of about 150-200. The buildings themselves cost about as much in materials as a couple of houses. The Regional Building Committees are quite assertive about how big the hall should be, and they will only lend money from the RBC fund if their criteria are met. If a congregation goes out on a limb and wants a bigger hall to accommodate committee decides 'the need' is. I understand the RBC is not an autonomous body, that the Branch or possibly the District can influence it.
* It is far cheaper to build one kingdom hall of say 400 capacity in an urban or suburban area than to have two halls seating 200. That's because two 'builds' duplicates the planning and designing stages, and the bigger hall uses much less building materials than the two smaller ones.
I am giving no opinions yet. What I have said is, I think, uncontroversial.
So why are kingdom halls so small? Is it really about buildings or is it really about congregations?
Any takers?