www.jwcartposters.com - has this site been on this forum?
by berrygerry 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Robert is an enterprising guy.
"We are happy to be in a position to create the signage and posters that can be used in this special and historical public witnessing work."
"Historical"? Sheesh. He needs a proofreader.
He needs alot of catching up if compared to,
Well it looks really authentic as if it was from Bethel. Just shows how JWs know how to make money from all the hype. Kate xx
Lots of catching up:
Can't keep up:
Hmmm...profiting from the "lifegiving waters of truth"? Whatever happened to "you received free, give free"?
In my naivete, I had simply assumed Bethel printeries handled this kind of -for want of a better word - franchise. So, it is left up to individuals to generate their own resources for the cart work?