Among all of the other changes recently, there have been broad hints that the biggest change(s) are yet to come. An instruction has appeared on the elders only part of to set aside 15 minutes on the Sept 1 service meeting with further details to follow. Of course it could just be another load of hot air, but it seems a strange thing to do after making a fuss about all of the service meeting parts this month being focussed on the kingdom (all of the parts for wb Sept 1 have material - no local needs get out) When I hear more I'll post details.
Is this the big change?
by Saltheart Foamfollower 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've not heard of that. There is nothing on the US site of about "15 minutes" on the Sept. 1 Service Meeting.
Here is the Sept. 1 SM schedule from the August KM:
10 min: Offer the Magazines During September.
Discussion. Start by demonstrating how the
magazines may be offered using the sample presentations
on this page. Then analyze each sample
presentation from beginning to end.10 min: How Did We Do? Discussion. Invite
publishers to comment on how they benefited
from the part “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—
Confidently Speaking Up About the Kingdom.”
Ask the audience to relate personal experiences
about the challenges of speaking up
about the Kingdom. Howwere they able to overcome
such challenges?10 min: Report on Our Special Campaign.
Talk by the service overseer. Summarize main
points from this issue of Our Kingdom Ministry
concerning the need to continue advertising the
Kingdom. How did the congregation respond
to this direction? What were some of the highlights
of thework accomplished during the campaign?Song 45 and Prayer
Saltheart Foamfollower
The only way to see it is to log on as an elder then it is under the congregation tab. Just appeared today.
I did .
It's not there (I'm a US user).
PM me if you want.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Just checked again - it is for the attention of the coordinator, so might not be available to all. I'm in the UK.
Attention: Jesus evidently meant that no one can come to the Father, except through JW.ORG. The GB has lovingly made the provision of requiring automatic monthly donations from the bank accounts of Jehovah's true Christian Witnesses, via Paypal. In addition, all will be thrilled to comply with installation of the "Hezekiah" application which is available at JW.ORG. This new provision will allow all to be protected from Satanic propaganda by re-directing all web searches to JW.ORG, while simultaneously monitoring the web activity of each publisher. Surely we are thankful for this loving protection!
I love it data dog!
So is this just UK and who would see it on jworg? Do certain elders get to see more stuff than other elders?
Is it a change from the printed KM for Sept? I can't get mine off the website - I guess only elders see it on there?
I don't come on here very often. Could someone please catch me up on "the big changes," both real and rumored. I would greatly appreciate it.