Hey guys. I am seeing a lot of flak on the forum over this study WT, and rightly so, as it's rather creepy. But I'd like to suggest an alternate way of looking at this upcoming series of articles -- as an opportunity. The more extreme the literature is, the more of a basis we have for protesting a teaching or generally taking a stand. Or we could simply use this to help others see why we're beginning to have (or have long since started having) doubts about the organization.
These issues are going to be studied from 12/29/14 to 2/1/15. From a glance, the first study article looks uncontroversial; it's simply about Jesus. The eerie insistence on obedience starts in the following article, "Why We Must Be Holy", to be studied on Jan. 11th if you have your Watchtower Study on Sundays. The next article, "We Must Be Holy In All Our Conduct", is iffy, then the next article is once again mild and uncontroversial. The final study article is "Now You Are God's People"; this is the "basement tribulation" article, to be studied on or around Sunday, Feb. 1st.
From now until then, we have plenty of time to make individual plans on how to deal with this. Maybe it's taking a stand. Maybe it's taking a vacation! Personally, I am fading, so I can't make too many waves. But I still see an opportunity to make remarks to JWs who I know well about my concerns over the subjects discussed in the WT, like the importance of obedience to the org. and the depiction of JWs huddled in a basement during the Great Tribulation.
Another thing we can do is make preparatory remarks to those we care about, whether they are general statements of mild disagreement with the Society leading up to a "climax" in our concerns when the Nov. articles are considered, or whether we share a "friendly warning" about the upcoming Watchtower articles with friends in the congregation ("Boy, those are some intense articles coming up, you see those yet?"). What ideas do you guys have about specific rebuttals to the claims in the articles, or general plans for dealing with this issue when it is studied?