Could the Governing Body Courageous Fight Suicide Bombers Targeting Them like Coptic Christians are dealing with?

by BucketShopBill 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BucketShopBill

    With all the hateful speech the Watchtower has used against anyone who disagrees with them, what if they pissed off a group of JWs that decided they needed to change the Watchtower because they felt they were apostates? What do you think would happen, would the Governing Body antagonize this break-away cult and stand their ground or make peace with a well armed JW Militia ready to do battle?

    What if a cult emerged from the Big Cult and declared war on the Governing Body and called them Apostates who deserve to die? What if this little cult said the Big Cult "were mentally diseased and we must destroy them because they are a fraud and disobeyed Jehovah by joining the United Nations and Europes version of political protection? Is it possible the Governing Body would negotiate with the little cult's manifesto or would they stand up boldy and give their lives if they had to?

    Daily we read about suicide bombers hurting innocent people in the Middle East who are trained by professionals. Now what if a crazy group of JWs broke away from the Organization and started using Suicide Bombers to hunt down the Governing Body because they believed it was Jehovah's Will to punish them for false prophecy and joining the Wild Beast (United Nations)? What if some of the break-away group began to target other high ranking JWs the way ISIS and ISIL are? Would JWs think this was their test from Jehovah or would the Governing Body avoid all public engagements and hide in fear and try to make peace with a group that put a Fatiwah on all the leadership and company men?

    Iraiqis, Coptic Christians and Alexandrian Christians are battling suicide bombers by radicals, what if the Governing Body and High Ranking JWs had to deal with the threats of JW Terrorist (they believed they were the true Slave), would they continue to preach or become scared little men hiding at Patterson allowing JWs to protect them with assualt rifles and would all talks by them be done by Video conferences?

    Are the GB as brave and bold as they claim or would they cower in their ivory towers and concede to all the demands of a highly trained JW Break-Away Terrorist Group. The GB tell their members not to fear death but I have a feeling they would quickly change their methods to make peace with well trained JW Militia. We all have seen things we thought were not posible in our lifetime, I think the GB would cower because they are not ready to lay down their lives and leave their luxurious lifes here, do you?

  • Balaamsass2

    ummm.....Bill "apostates" have been screaming outside the 124 Building almost dailey for 50 years. The Governing Body would do what they are already doing. Use the underground passages, never piss off mad bomber Islamics with Awake! expose' s, and have a Bethel Driver pick them up for a ride out to the "country compound" up-state.

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sure the CIA has been observing the Watchtower Corporation and have a huge file on them after all they threaten national security with their call for obedience above national goals for its citizens. They are on the radar and so are xjw sites so they know what is going on with the comunity. So this would be very plausible be a matter of national security to which they would take some preventive measures(waco texas being on a learning curve on how to handle "authority" cults stock pileing weapons.

  • blondie

    If you want to know what the WTS did read threads here on Malawi and 9/11 for their courageous acts.

    The WTS teaches that individual protection (in writing anyway) is not to be expected, those who die will be resurrected.

    I wonder if the sisters in Malawi had to prove they screamed when being raped.

    *** yb99 p. 182 Malawi ***

    Also, reports of beatings were received from all over Malawi. For some of our dear sisters, the persecution was especially harrowing. Many were the reports of rape, mutilation, and beating of Christian women. The sadistic attackers spared nobody. The elderly, the young, and even some pregnant sisters were put through such cruel ordeals. Some suffered miscarriages as a result. Once again, thousands were forced to flee their villages. Many found refuge in the bush. Others went into temporary exile in neighboring Mozambique. By the end of November 1967, the brutal wave of attacks on Jehovah’s Witnesses had claimed at lea st five more lives.

    *** yb70 p. 259 Country Reports (Part Two) ***

    The 1969 service year was marked by intermittent periods of persecution for Jehovah’s people in Malawi. A number of the sisters were again physically abused and raped. Brothers had their houses burned or pulled down, all their belongings stolen or destroyed, and others were prevented from cultivating their land so that they and their families were without food. In some cases, hooligans came and uprooted the new shoots of maize after brothers had laboriously planted and cared for their fields. There seems to be no end to the inhuman tortures these hooligans can devise. This can be seen from the case of a brother who was forced to lie prone on his stomach while they laid bricks on his back and then danced on the bricks until he vomited as a result of the ill-treatment.

    *** km 12/75 p. 1 Branch Letter ***

    They have been harassed and brutally persecuted. Hundreds have been stripped naked, severely beaten and have had itching beans rubbed into their wounds. Our sisters have been fiendishly raped. What atrocities!

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