A blind man shows what real faith is!

by Pinku 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pinku

    I had always difficulty in understanding scriptures (such as Mathew 6:33) which gives the impression that God will take care of us, like the way He does with “birds and flowers….”

    When I read about a blind man and his accomplishments, I really understood the above scriptures. Jacques Lusseyran had every circumstance to blame God-- blind from since the age of eight, as a French Resistance fighter he was betrayed by a colleague to the Gestapo, survived Buchanwald ….. He finally migrated to US and became a professor at Hawaii University. He wrote many books on perception, as well as an autobiography (And There Was Light)

    Lusseyan wrote beautifully about how observation works. He described how “every sound, every scent, and every shape is forever changing into light” on his “inner screen.” He was able to perceive external objects, such as trees, gates, walls, and even people, according to the intensity of light or shadow they cast. He “saw” by differentiating between the variations of light or shade.

    How did this blind man develop this ability to “see”? He learned not to rush impatiently towards things. Instead, he found that by being still, THINGS CAME TO MEET HIM. Any internal reaction or agitation on his part pushed things away; his impatience “displaced objects,” his sadness “dimmed them.” “By contrast,” he noted, “joy illuminates everything.” This perception made him sensitive to his own feelings and the feelings of others. He found that inner calm helped him to heighten his skills of observation and perception which helped him to lead a normal life just like others who had eye-sight.

    When Jesus spoke about faith, it was about the conviction built by the past. He said behind everything (life, life support systems and systems making life enjoyable) see only one DOER. (Mathew 6:22-26) Hence he never meant faith as something like a fantasy that God would save us in times of need or trouble. It is not for God to violate Law of Nature (Galatians 6:7.) What God has ALREADY done with the nature and humans (especially man’s two aspects—material and immaterial) would take care of any eventuality! Even if something is lost on the way, he only need to operate from the stillness of his inner-self, any loss is compensated! The principle by which you and I see each other was not created by us, and it is same with everyone. So is with all other senses--including the sixth sense!

    No wonder the Hebrews used the word emunah which means both faith and confidence. It comes from the root amah meaning to foster and nurture (self with kindness which kindles faith); hence it’s all about having faith primarily in the self, then in God and in life itself! This explains how people like Beethoven (deaf) accomplished even more than what even normal people could!

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