I am getting frequent/intermittent errors in reaching JWN.
Anyone else?
Could this be DNS related?
by Fernando 4 Replies latest forum tech-support
I am getting frequent/intermittent errors in reaching JWN.
Anyone else?
Could this be DNS related?
yes I found i got the '404'page and had to go in via google
I have not been able to reach JWN for about three days.
Keep getting DNS lookup failure message.
Yep, similar for me. It's been intermittent but seems to be OK atm. At one point last week, I couldn't get on for several hours. Most unusual. I thought the site was down. Neither .net nor .com would come up - not in Chrome nor in IE.
Ah, just seen another thread on this: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/forum/tech-support/282922/1/Anyone-Else-Havng-Trouble-Logging-In-Today#.U_mg8sWwIaI
I just keep hitting refresh until it loads.