It's really fascinating to discover the similarities in ancient texts, in another thread howthebiblewascreated pointed out Similarities in the epic of Gilgamesh and Genesis 8..
As a Naive JW, I feared, and viewed Hinduism as a PolyTheistic religion that essentially worshipped Demons.. To my relative Surprise, Hinduism actually started off as a form Monotheism, viewing Brahman as The Creater and God of the Universe. As Judaism transitioned from a strict monotheistic religion to what is now called Christianity, simply claiming that God manifests himself as multiple gods, Hinduism now does the same. In any case I'm very naive as to the beliefs of Hinduism, so I won't discuss that any more.
Comparing two Ancient Texts : The Book of Enoch & Mahabharata a crazy narrative is found..
87.2 And I raised my eyes again to Heaven, and saw in the vision, and behold, there came from Heaven beings that were like white men. And four came from that place, and three others with them.
87.3 And those three, who came out last, took hold of me by my hand and raised me from the generations of the Earth, and lifted me up onto a high place, and showed me a tower high above the earth, and all the hills were lower.
87.4 And one said to me: “Remain here until you have seen everything which is coming upon these elephants, and camels, and asses, and upon the stars, and upon all the bulls.” (Enoch Refers to Nephilim as Elephants,Camels & Asses - The Stars are Fallen Angels - The Bulls are Men)
88.1 And I saw one of those four who had come out first (The 4 mentioned are 4 archangels including Gabriel & Michael) , how he took hold of that first star, which had fallen from Heaven, and bound it by its hands and feet, and threw it into an abyss. And that abyss was narrow, and deep, and horrible, and dark.
- This is also mentioned at Jude:6 "And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day." -
Now The Interesting Verse :
88.2 And one of them drew his sword, and gave it to those elephants, camels, and asses; and they began to strike one another, and the whole Earth shook because of them.
From The Mahabharata :
“Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana hurled a single projectile charged with the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.”
Enoch mentions a "Sword" giving to the Nephelim by an archangel, this "sword" shook the entire earth.. Clearly this was much more then a sword..
The Mahabharata was written over 5,000 years ago, with this in mind consider these statements..
Flying a swift Vimana = Some sort of Flying Vessel
Hurled a projectile = some sort of Missile
with the Power of the Universe = Atom Bomb? / column of flame as bright as 10,000 suns = explosion of a nuclear missile.
How could these types of things even be Imagined 5,000 years ago? Until Newton proposed the Law of Universal Gravitation, humans had no concept of Gravity, they simply thought that "God held things together" - In my view it is highly unlikely that someone 5,000 years ago could simply make up Flying Vesseles and Nuclear Missilles...