Don't you really feel like your in Marketing?
Advertize Advertize Advertize the (Kingdom ) JW.Org
by Quarterback 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Any backlash to report from those inside?
It really does seem like its almost silly. Poor Jah, replaced by an internet site.
I have seen no backlash. I think most witnesses are loving something new. Just look at all of the paraphernalia. It's insane.
It is marketing! I can't wait until Jehovah seals the ark shut. The flood will be on the inside and The paradise on the out.
The Searcher
The JW.ORG merchandising "chariot" is going to gather speed VERY quickly!!
I'm just going to check eBay to see if any entreprenurial JW has seen the business opportunity!
As Charlie Brown would say, "Good grief!" -
Check it out!!
I'm speechless... at the ebay link
The mind BOGGLES
C.T.Russell will be doing cartwheels in his grave .