New Testament Words : Sermon of the Mount ,Persian couriers and enforced slavery in one word?

by raymond frantz 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz
    What does the word compel mean in Matthew 5:41?

    Jesus said on the Sermon of the Mount :" if someone in authority compels you into service for a mile, go with him two miles. " What did he mean by that ? How could anyone compel you to do such a thing ? Read about the fascinating history of the word "aggareuein" and how that connects so diverse things such as Persian couriers ,Romans councelors and enforced labour.(If you find the post interesting please click Facebook share on the right )

    What does the word compel mean in Matthew 5:41?

  • Perry

    Didn't you just post this exact same thing somewhere else?

    Didn't get the response you felt it was deserved? I understand. Recentlly I posted an absolutely amazing video of people sorting cobras for a snake show. Not one post.....can you believe that?

  • Perry

    Perry, please stay with birds. I got the message.

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