Is An Interesting Site

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    This 'everybody partakes' or is anointed is an interesting idea. I do wonder if this clandestine effort is having an effect.

    I was unable to find any explicit testimonies on the site - that is, naming names , as long as they have already exposed themselves to WTS retribution. They claim elders, CO's and a DO now follow them. To me, this openess is needed for credibility.

    We are watching evolution in action in regard to the WTS. Who knows what may be possible? Such ideas would be consistent with many posts here about the WTS making the 144K symbolic.

    In any case, I would advise the more negative amoung you that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".


  • Phizzy

    Cofty called the main writer on there a "master of pomposity", and I tend to agree. I think too that the anonymity, though obviously necessary for them, , in their position, does make us naturally wary of putting too much credence on claims made by the contributors to the Site.

    I am sceptical too that they will have much impact on Doctrine change, apart from the fact that the leaders/puppetmasters of the WT/ set-up will be aware of their arguments, and will file them away for future use, if they ever feel the need.

    The problem for the members of this clandestine group is that even if there is a major change in WT/JW doctrine on Partaking etc, they can never claim credit, or let on they were a member of the group can they ?

  • OneEyedJoe

    I'm skeptical of the veracity of their claims, but assuming it's true-

    Part of me is with you that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and I would like the WTS to reform. However, the only reform I'm interested in is the end to shunning and a stop to the policies and propaganda aimed at demonizing those who do not wish to be associated with the JW "religion." As an atheist that's stuck in for my wife, that's the only reform that helps me, aside from perhaps reform on the blood doctrine that could potentially kill my wife should some rare circumstance arise.

    The other part of me feels like reform of the WTS is the worst thing that can happen for me. If the organization becomes more reasonable and places itself on a firmer doctrinal position, it becomes more difficult to point out the flaws and errors and corruption to my wife. So, in some ways, the worse the org gets the better my chances of making a clean break from it are.

    If it is true that there is disention among the ranks - it spells change for the WTS and the GB will have to tread carefully to maintain control. If the GB is seen as capitulating to the dissenters "below" them, it will plant seeds of doubt (Fred Franz's infamous tail wagging the dog talk comes to mind) in many adherants and could potentially lead to a schism. A split in the organization would likely lead to oppurtunites to make an easy exit, even if one doesn't want to be a part in either of the two peices of the split. Just like when you break a peice of bread, there's lots of small individual crumbs that escape from the two halves. If such a schism occurrs, and I'm still stuck in at the time, I hope my family will be among the crumbs.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I agree it's an interesting site. It's one of the most devious apostate sites I've ever run across. It's going to stumble some people. Too bad for them.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. There are countless stories that bolster the idea that the enemy of your enemy has nothing to do with you. I don't know if this will be censored but Shelby drove me nuts. It wasn't so much hearing voices from Christ not called Christ. She had bona fide followers. Some atheists invited me to visit their site. I knew none of the rules here. What a relief! Within a few days, I found that the enemy of my enemy (not that I am saying Shelby was an enemy) was even more my enemy. Human decency was out the window. I begged to come back here. Shelby and I had a conversation.

    Nothing is like a bunch of barely educated atheists who believe the world turns around them. Don't toot your own horn.

    The WTs main theme is high control and overreaching. Doctrine is secondary. My present church has a main doctrine of everyone being welcome for communion. It is none of our business. The churches that get a lot of tourist/UN diplomat trade have many nonChristians receive communion. The emblems making the rounds with everyone fixated on them was bizarre. My heart would beat so hard in fear of an unworthy or young person touching them. Armageddon might start.

  • Apognophos

    I don't know much about the site, having only been there briefly, but it's hard to escape the feeling that he/they are assigning themselves much more importance than they really have.

  • Crazyguy

    Martin Luther started the reformation proccess were he realized you didn't need a church or a man to get salvation or have a relationship with god. This idea that these ones have that all who believe in Christ are part of thebody of cChrist therefore anointed, is not a new idea to Christianity but just to JW's.

  • metatron

    What I observe is some really good writing on that site. In addition, they often present a view of the GB that is more nuanced than here and smartly integrated with their goals.

    Has anyone observed any evidence (names) that this 'movement' threatens to infect the Organization?

    If that were the case, an argument from silence could be built as to why the WTS hasn't responded forcefully to it.


  • Divergent

    I found the 'Questions & Responses' part interesting

  • insidetheKH

    100% BS those annointed-JW's .. just a couple of nobodies

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