September 1, 1914, last known passenger pigeon, died in the Cincinnati Zoo.

by pseudoxristos 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • pseudoxristos

    It is both interesting and sad to note that the last passenger pigeon died on September 1, 1914.

    The species went from being one of the most abundant birds in the world during the 19th century to extinction early in the 20th century. [1]


    On September 1, 1914, Martha, the last known passenger pigeon, died in the Cincinnati Zoo.

    Even if we are able to clone dozens or even hundreds, it is unlikely that we will be able to bring them back.

    Some have suggested cloning the passenger pigeon in the future. [104] [105] De-extinction efforts are now underway to revive the species by extracting DNA fragments from preserved specimens, and later, using band-tailed pigeons as surrogate parents. [106] A significant challenge to an effective de-extinction effort is the fact that the passenger pigeon was a very social bird known to form flocks of millions. When their numbers dwindled to a few thousand, the birds stopped breeding; it is likely that more than a few thousand birds would have to be created in order for a de-extinction effort to be successful.

    So, I wonder how ol' Noah was able to prevent the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon when he only had a pair (or possibly seven) of them.

    The true miracle of the flood, was not the survival of Noah and his zoo, but the re-population of all the species on the earth that was ruined by an insane deity.


  • designs

    One of my best hobbies was raising Homing Pigeons as a kid. We had about 12 in our coop and several neighbor kids had about the same. We would all let them out when we got home from school each day and they would all gather together and soar around the neighborhood in this massive flock. After an hour or so they would all find their way back to the right home and feeding time.

    We would also take them on trips when we visited friends in the greater Los Angeles area, 20-40 miles from home. We'd let them out of their cages and watch as they soared 100' feet or so in the air, get their bearings, and head for home. They always beat us home and would be waiting by the coop doors for us.

    What great fun.

  • pseudoxristos


    Sounds like you enjoyed that quite a lot.

    My brothers and I had homing pigeons for a short while. We never got to enjoy them like you did. Somehow the neighbors dog/cat or something got into the cage and that was the end of that.


  • BluePill2

    Noah had very, very horny pigeons on board. He also feeded them with holy spirit and bullshit (which was abundant at the time). This gave him a wonderful formula to repopulate the planet. He also found out that it is better to get drunk to forget it all and took his junk out. That is all.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    So, I wonder how ol' Noah was able to prevent the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon when he only had a pair (or possibly seven) of them.

    Supposedly Noah had certain "kinds" of animals from who were able to produce all the other varieties of their own "kind".

    ie: From two dogs, came all the varieties of dogs we have now (supposedly).

    The whole Noah event was "magical" in the first place and along with your question, raises dozens of other even more scientifically based questions that lead one to conclude that it was only a story.

  • BluePill2

    scientifically based questions that lead one to conclude that it was only a story.

    ...a very badly told story - to say the least!

    The kind of story your drunken grandfather would tell you...oh, waaaaaiiit a minute.....

  • prologos

    another event that fell on the "1914 year" the wt predicted. The peace dove that never was died too.

  • prologos

    and loke the dodo, great AUCK it was the last of a species that needs many breeding pairs to be exterminated by men kind (not so kind) there were afew woman that were good shots too. Annie Oakley. Annie get your gun.

  • pseudoxristos

    Maybe the end of the Watchtower will come in a similar manner, I can imagine the Wikipedia entry on the extinction of the Jehovah's Witness:

    Once one of the fastest growing religions, the Jehovah's Witnesses numbers quickly began to shrink in the early 21st century. Many factors have been attributed to their downfall, but the advent of the Internet and availability of accurate information is the most likely cause of their demise. (2065)


  • jgnat

    Great Auk. Get the spelling right.

    Auk Baillie

    Progress on bringing the Passenger Pigeon back.

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