Have committe letter re. sex with minor case

by lkng4fun 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • lkng4fun

    Hello everyone who reads this!
    I have never posted before, just lurk here once in a while.

    My reason for posting is this. I kept with me when I left the "whoppers" (as I call them) several letters from both a judicial committe and from the "society" on a couple of different cases. One case was that of "pornea" between a minor and an adult couple. Due to all of the attention this topic is currently getting in the media, I felt it might be a good time to go "public" with some of what I have. I was thinking LA Times for example. However, I got to thinking, maybe some of the fine people on this forum might have a better idea of how to use this material to the fullest then myself. Soooo, I am putting this out to suggestions as to what would be the best way to use the "documents" that I have.

    Looking forward to your responses!!!!

  • Satanus

    Why not email bill bowen? He would have some ideas. Were you an observer, without being involved?


  • Pathofthorns

    I agree that it would be wise to email Bill Bowen for ideas on how to proceed. Now is an especially good time to think about going public if your letters contain something which could be helpful.


  • lkng4fun

    Thanks for responding.

    First, no I wasn't involved. I served on the committee that handled the adult couple. We were in a different cong.

    Second, who is Bill Bowen?

  • belbab

    click on silentlambs at the bottom of this thread. A wealth of information there, in line with your post above.


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