Hey to all,
This has nothing to do with Jw experiences, but I need some input. My little girl was hurt at school yesterday. She was taken to PE by her regular teacher, and left there. The PE teacher had made an announcement to meet him outside, but I guess my daughters teacher didn't hear the announcement. Well noone was in the gym, and after a little while these kids got scared and walked back to the classroom. On the way there she fell down the stairs. When they returned to the class my daughter told the teacher and she checked it but saw no reason to call me. This incident happened at 12 noon. When my daughter got off the bus at 3:45 she was limping and unable to put pressure on her foot. When I took her in the house her leg was swollen and red.
I immediatly called the teacher to verify the story my daughter told me, and she concured. I asked the teacher," My daughter was hurt at 12 and complained of pain and was limping for the rest of the afternoon, and you didn't call me?" Her reply was,"Yes she was, and no I didn't call you" Fortunatly my daughter has only a sprain and no broken bones.
But the question I have is....Isn't the school supposed to make sure the kids especially kindergarten children are supervised at all times? Maybe if her teacher saw the incident then she would have taken my daughter more seriously. And shouldn't there be a policy somewhere that they need to call parents when an injury occurs?
I was so upset yesterday that I went and spoke to the principal and requested if either of my children are hurt(even a paper cut) I wanted to be called immediatly. I know this is going overboard, but it seeems that common sense was not used yesterday.
I really enjoy my daughters teacher, and appreciate all she has done for her and don't want her in trouble, but what can I do to ensure this won't happen again? BTW my daughter is not allowed to participate in PE(medically), so why she was even there is unanswered. The teacher said she has been out for a few days and forgot.
OH well Here I sit today wondering who we are handing our children over to 5 days a week Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
I need some input
by mommy 7 Replies latest social family
It's the sort of things we parents have to worry about isn't it?
A guy at work went balistic after the teacher made his daughter sit through school with a broken collar-bone and to stop mithering.
I know they must put up with a lot but they really should make certain about things like that. -
Wow, Mommy! That sounds really odd. I know that anytime anything happened with my daughter, someone let me know. Even when she got older, the school would insist that she or any other child that got hurt see the school nurse to make sure that it was nothing serious.
I don't think you went overboard in speaking to the principal. I know that this attitude of not caring is NOT what is supposed to occur. Hopefully, they will be a little more observant and attentive in the future.
To Mommy,
Your right, this has nothing to do with being a JW. I wouldn't care what religion you are, if your child gets hurt at school, the schools first obligation is to call the parents, whether they live together or not and let them know what's going on. If they can't reach the parents at home, the school needs to have a work, cell, car phone number. Even a beeper number. Whether the parents are JW or not, the school or any place that your child gets hurt at, should contact the parents regardless. The next thing you know, you'll probably get someone one's response that even if you would've been called, you probably wouldn't have done anything anyways( that is if you are a JW).
Take this one from a certified teacher.Children are never to be left alone-especially at that age,and as soon as your child reported the injury,you should have been notified.
You're not being at all unreasonable about this,in fact it sounds like you've been quite patient.
Ask the school for a copy of their policy manual,it should all be outlined there.They have to have one,and you have to have access to it.Cowboy
Thanks guys for replying to this thread. Wow it is an old one, this happened back in Feb. First, I want to say after this incident, I was called alot, the teacher and principal went overboard and called several times a day, over meaningless things. I have had several problems with them, not only concerning this issue. I have received alot of advice from others on this, and have decided to change schools next year.
I was outraged when this happened, and I agree, no matter what I should have been contacted. I think the teacher did not want me to know that the kids were unsupervised. And thought my daughter would get better, as the day went on. Another followup on this story...Miranda has had problems with her ankle several times since this incident. She twists it alot, and often has to wear an ace bandage. Her doctor has x-rayed it several times since then, and told me it is weak, and she may grow out of it.
Anywho, thanks for replyingJason, my daughter has a heart condition, that requires her to stay out of PE.
wendyBlind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene
To Mommy,
I read your last comment, sorry about your daughters heart condition that makes her not able to participate in PE, PE does stand for physical education, like gym or swim, right? Just making sure. Jason asked the question why can't your kid participate in PE, I was just going to ask the same ? until I read your response. Good luck.