Watchtower Service Robots

by Hold Me-Thrill Me 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    The Governing Body is unable to leave the mid 20th century. Either that or the Service Dept. keeps hiccuping. Either way the Witnesses are left to continually say the same old thing at the door: "I'm here because people are concerned about where this world is heading." (June 2015 U.S. Kingdom Ministry)

    It goes on: "Do you think conditions will ever improve?"

    What the householder is really thinking is: "Yeah, I hope things will improve and you stop bothering me with your religion."

    There is a blindness in the Watchtower. They believe that to trample a territory to death is a good thing. They believe that to encourage more to pioneer in an area that is so overloaded with pioneers that everyone and their brother knows each householder and their views on religion is a good thing.

    They believe that to force the publishers to work the same territory over and over and over several times in the same year is a good thing.

    Who does this?

    Robots. Robots in the Watchtower who are in fear of doing something intelligent lest it be struck down by the Governing Body!



    Watchtower Service Robots

    .............JEHOBOT WITNESS..

    .........Image result for Robot businessman

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    LoL, true. So very true. Not too long ago I was that guy. Grey suit and striped tie!

    Thanks OUTLAW.

  • antes8080

    with the same old question and the same answer.

    in reality I think they whant less growth when you have dumb parts like how to talk to blind people or go visit elderly homes you see that they whant you to waste your time.

  • FayeDunaway

    Robots would be their IDEAL witnesses. "Must. Defend. The. Watchtower. Beep!" Never thinking on their own.

    A lot of sympathizers who come here SOUND like robots. It's quite interesting. The years being away from it are adding up for me. I REMEMBER hearing stock answers, regular phrases, repeated slogans over and over. But being away from it for a while, these people sound like robots. Programmed to respond certain ways. Certain stimulus follows into certain algorithms and there is no straying from the path.

    The problem I had with that is, I love individuality and human variation, and freedom to be your own person and think and express your own thoughts. It was inevitable that I would leave someday.

  • Vidiot
    Can somebody photoshop a suit and briefcase onto a Star Trek Borg drone?

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