I'm always wanting to post but there is so much to say I don't know where to start! Left 7 months ago, hubby dfd and I was removed as a publisher. I am pregnant due date coming fast.(you can guess that's the reason we are out) we weren't married at the time we left. Hubby's family hardcore witnesses....he is dead to them. My family not so hardcore, then again I'm not dfd but I knew they would come around, got the call from my mom, after 7 months of going through my pregnancy alone she wants to have somewhat of a relationship with me. Her reason for not showing up till now? Because my family expected me to come beg for forgiveness and tell them how sorry I was for having sex with my bf of 2 years and getting pregnant. But I never did cause I'm not sorry. Just like I wasn't sorry when I was 16 and I got in trouble for watching a rated r movie!!! So ridiculous. I remember my dad asking my sister and I, do you girls even feel bad for watching a rated r movie? My sister, the people pleaser she is, hung her head saying she felt bad. I looked at her then my dad and laughed and said NO! My mother gasped and they all looked at me like how dare you! That pretty much sums of my whole life being born in looking at these people like what's wrong with you!!!? I always thought the religion was freaky but never did I think there was a life outside of being a witness worth living! Not that I never believed it. Now with my family trying to poke their head back in my life the fights with my hubby are starting again! I swear that was their ultimate goal when we were dating, they never accepted him, because he had been married and has a son, they never even gave him a chance, even though I didn't even live with them anymore and supported myself. For some reason witnesses, especially my family, think they are somehow entitled and above everyone else. Then it turns into the family disapproves so elders get involved telling you who you can date or if your ready basically saying end it or you will pay! Leading to our exit. All I can say is thank you for chasing us out of the religion cause we may have never opened our eyes! Now is a new chapter in my departure with the jws, telling my mom I'm not going to meetings and I'm not going back! She was pretty shocked, she's used to me saying I want to do "what's right" I'll go talk to the elders. NO. Not this time. She asked why I just said it's plain creepy. Our convo got cut off but will be seeing her soon to make peace with my hubby. Which I already know that meeting will turn ugly. He is probably the most bitter person in the world towards the witnesses now! And my mother being my mother is always right and entitled. Wish me luck but my mother will need to respect my husband if she ever wants to be apart of my life or my child's. Honestly it would just be easier if my family just left me alone, not that I don't love them but I just know what a stressful relationship it will be. She already basically said if you don't want the truth right now I still want to have a relationship with my daughter which is good I guess. Bit I'll have to tell her I will never want it again. The reason hubby and I started arguing is because he is worried somehow my family will suck me back in. But I'm the one always on these forums and posting! Yes sometimes I sit and think about what I believe because it's still so fresh and it's been engrained in me my whole life. But I could never go back and believe after my eyes being opened. Anyways I guess I should be thankful to get some family in my life for my baby. But it really only stresses me out. Wish me luck in this new chapter trying to mix my new life and beliefs with my jw family. All these people are so sick it makes me so mad!!!! And most will never open their eyes, it's a shame.
7 months out!!
by Ghiagirl 4 Replies latest jw experiences
Wasanelder Once
I can understand your husbands feelings. Time will help build his confidence in your determination not to get "sucked back in". You will have issues with your parents trying to slip JW crap into the life of your baby so that's a choice you will have to live with. Face it, its only natural to want to share your joy at having a child with your mother. So, lay down the law with her and take the higher ground by not flipping out at her irrational dogma rants. You can do this. Its not up to any God for you to be happy, its the choices you make. Good luck indeed! -
expose your husband to as much apostate stuff that you can like JWfacts.com Then he and you and your child can build a life together with out any Cult crap creeping back in. Didn't Jesus say to for give 70 x 70 or something. There's no love or forgiveness in this ugly cult with out a bunch of strings attached. -
I`m with crazyguy here if you can get your hubby who is DF right ? to just read posts on this site , JWfacts , etc.
what has he got to lose he is already DF`D , maybe he will see reason and recognize these assholes for what they really are.
If I haven`t welcomed you before I do so now.and your hubby of course.
Take care smiddy
LOL @ you laughing about r rated movie! That's honesty right there! That takes courage, love it! Take care and good luck