Does Jehovah work through an Organization

by SixofNine 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Yes, comes the response from Brooklyn. That organization just happens to be the first combination law office/PR firm/minor religion in world history.

    Then again, some would argue that Jah is using an organization based in Benton KY.

  • detective

    I was thinking about this quite a bit yesterday. Actually, if I had a chance, what I'd like to ask a witness is whether or not god ever used the Catholic church as his organization. Since they have such a brilliant distaste for catholicism, i'd be interested to hear how they explain away the bible cannonization if god never opted to use the catholic church.

    While I suspect they'd have to give a little god-inspired credit where ummm, credits due, I'd then probably ask them why god hadn't bothered to notify all other churches that he wasn't using them anymore! Didn't he put israel on notice oh so long ago?

  • lauralisa

    Hi Six,

    Your post really has me stuck here. I sat and looked at the words you wrote for quite a while, feeling sad, because I remember the security I USED to feel when I believed wholeheartedly that yes, Brooklyn and its promulgated rhetoric was straight from Ground Alpha and Omega.

    At age 45, and after immersing myself completely (get it? hahah) in several organized religions - all turning out to be cult-like in their afteraffects - I don't even know if I can believe in God and still think myself as "intelligent"...

    I can't shake (I've tried) this almost cellular-level fundamental belief in a creator; in other words, it takes MORE faith for me to believe that a creator/God does NOT exist. I guess I've come to think that if there is a God, he/she/it is employing a "hands-off" approach, just to see what us carbon-based units will do with ourselves.

    If God IS using any organanized group, I have not found one that does not spew polemic and end up causing more harm to individuals than good.

    If Silentlambs is shaking out the WTS, well, that's a supportable argument and I can understand how some people would find comfort in it. If Silentlambs' efforts are resulting in healing help for victimized innocents, I think that is a good thing in and of itself; if their efforts also result in simultaneously (even serendipitously) uncovering massive, documented and verifiable corruption in a mind-controlling, dehumanizing pseudo-religion that has evaded scrutiny for so long - isn't that also a good thing?

    Not sure exactly what type of responses you were trying to evoke, here, Six, but here's one.


    "people who can not think for themselves... those are the ones that TRULY scare me..." (a friend said this last night)
  • Quotes

    lauralisa, not to trivialize your post, but a thought occurred to me:

    Some people believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy when they were kids (I never got to though -- raised a JW).

    It was fun while it lasted, and hard to accept the knowledge that they don't really exist, but people survived the transition and moved on.

    I see parallels betwen that and belief in the WTBTS. (By extension, I see parallels to belief in a diety).

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

  • MegaDude

    If I knew I was in God's organization, I would quickly get the hell out. Look what happened to the Isrealites. They were God's organization. How many times were they destroyed? An easy Bible truth to see is that God doesn't like "organizations."

  • neyank

    : Does Jehovah work through an Organization?

    I don't think He's using any group of people right now.

    Oh sure.
    There are groups who profess to be used by God.
    There are those who try to honestly go by the Bible.

    But as the scripture says, By their fruits you'll know them.
    (where is that scripture?)

    Just take a look at the fruits produced by those groups claiming to be used by God.
    Every one of them is ruled by humans with human weaknesses.
    Every group has added their own rules and conditions wich they claim to have come from God.

    Every one of those groups apears to be like ships upon a stormy sea.
    Being blown about. Never really sure wich way to go or where they will end up.

    Is that what being used by a perfect being is like?

    I'm not saying God can't or won't use any person He chooses to.
    Of course He can.
    He can do whatever He wants to.

    But right now, I don't see any group that apears to be used.

    If we go into the scriptures, any person that was being used by God had proof to back that claim up.

    The prophets, the appostles, Moses and Jesus.

    EVERYONE of them had the proof and showed it.

    They weren't tripping over themselves trying to cover up their false teachings.

    So is He using anyone theses days?

    Not that I can see.


  • simwitness

    IMHO, God (Jehovah if you will) can and does work thru "all" organizations, and people, in one way or another. Sometimes his goal is not readily apparent.

    It is only the WTBS arrogance to claim they are the only group being used, and that unless you are a member you will not be used.

    Fact is, if you examine it closely, God is using the WTBS today, as a perfect example of what NOT to follow. And the bible does specifically say groups like them will exist.

  • Pathofthorns

    It almost seems like debating the finer points of a myth.


  • AjaxMan

    The JWs and the WTS claim that.

    The Mormons claim that too.

    The Way International claims that also.

    So are the Moonies... The Children of God... The WorlWide Church of God...The Christian Scientist...The Scientologists...

    What do they have in common?
    Answer: They are Cults.

    What else do Cults have in common?
    Answer: They are FULL OF CRAP!

    my 2 cents.


  • AGuest

    May you all have peace... and may you permit me to respond, thank you!

    God does NOT work through an "organizations", through "organized religion" or through "institutionalized religion or worship." Such things are two-fold and serve only one purpose: to mislead, IF POSSIBLE, even the chosen ones. How?

    1. They are the 'golden calf' NEEDED by faithless earthling man who
    can only worship what he can SEE... with his physical eyes... who
    needs something to 'call JAH', while awaiting the return of the
    Mediator, God's Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... to 'return'
    from down off the 'mountain'. It is the same as when Moses...
    THEIR 'mediator'... 'went abroad'... or up onto Mt. Sinai... to
    receive the Law from the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES.
    Because he apparently took too long... for THEM... the Israelites
    and those with them began to cry out "As for this Moses, we don't
    know what has happened to him, so build for us a golden calf, so
    that we can worship IT."

    Same thing today: the mediator of the NEW Covenant, who has 'gone
    abroad' to 'prepare a place' is taking much longer than earthling
    man can handle, and so... they need a 'golden calf'... something
    they can SEE... in order to have faith in God. They do not GET
    THE SENSE, however, that God... IS A SPIRIT! And one must worship
    Him... IN SPIRIT... and... IN TRUTH! (John 14:6)

    2. They are also 'false lights', designed and set up by the Adversary
    who 'keeps transforming HIMSELF into an angel of light', to draw
    the 'sons of light' away from the TRUE Light (John 1:3, 9; 8:12),
    so as to follow after HIM (Satan)... into the 'pit' that he will
    be cast. We all SAY we wouldn't follow the Devil, but how true is
    that? Do we KNOW him when we SEE him? Or do we do like the bug
    Louie in the animated film, "A Bug's Life"? "Louie, Louie! DON'T
    look at the light!" "I can't HELP it; it's so BEE-YOO-Ti-FUL!"

    Just look at how many people JOIN "religion" just based on the numbers of membership ("Surely, X-million people CAN'T be wrong!"), on its beautiful buildings and meeting places... it's 'beautiful' people! All based on what? What can be SEEN.. with the EYES of the PHYSICAL MAN! Yet, is it not the things UNSEEN that we are to keep our eyes?

    Dear ones, if you want to WORSHIP GOD... you MUST do so IN SPIRIT... and IN TRUTH. And if you want to KNOW God... you MUST know Truth! And there is only ONE Truth, the Son of God, my Lord, whose name is JAHESHUA ("Joshua" - Jah Saves) MISCHAJAH ("messiah" - chosen of Jah). There is NO other. If then you KNOW THE TRUTH (John 14:6), THEN... you will KNOW GOD. And you will be 'set free'. For the Truth, the Son of God, will SET you free. And if, therefore, the SON sets you free, you will truly BE free.

    Religion is a snare... and a racket. If J.R. Rutherford said ONE thing true, that was it. But do not 'crooks' usually TELL you that they are crooks? SURE they do! Unfortunately, most of the 'marks'... don't believe them! ("Ah, c'mon, you're not that bad... if you were, you wouldn't say it!") But crooks KNOW that marks think as they do... and trust as they do.

    Religion... organization... funny how no such words are in the Bible, yet those who claim great loyalty TO the Bible seem to NEED... religion... and organization.

    Want to know God? Then you must... know His Son. Indeed, you must KISS the Son!

    A slave of Christ,


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