My mother just picked up a bunch of brochures last night at the meeting. The Does God Care one has a new cover... Same setting and pose, but different family. Wonder what that's about? Anyhow, she took them away before I could check if there was anything changed inside. Anyone else here happen to notice anything different? If I get a chance to check it out, I'll let you all know...
I'm just surmising here. Maybe the original family they used as models for the cover have become inactive. So they have had to change pictures.
I've seen drawings of real live people used on covers before. One was of Maxwell Friend, gilead instructork, portraying one of the remnant leading a whole bunch of others into the kingdom or some such thing.
belbab, I speculate the exact same thing. But I wonder if inactivity is enough the get purged from the records? Rather, I'll bet they have been DF/DA.
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