I am serious, I have have noticed a distinct pattern in my headache
flare ups here lately. When I decide to start reading the Bible or give spiritual mediation a try, I start to get sick. Usually I get in kicks when I could care less about religion, JW, being a Christain, etc. etc. But then the spirtual side of me comes out, and I begin to wonder about it all again. Then soon, I start to get more headaches, and muscle pain, tension in general. I know many will say... then dont think, dont read the bible... LOL.... but I just wondered if others find it easier to put it on hold? I have only been out for a year, raised JW.... maybe I should give myself
some more time to get to know myself before I start on trying to study again. What do you think, have any of you experienced the same thing?
Thinking about God, gives me a migraine..really
by LyinEyes 7 Replies latest jw friends
Yes. Please take yourself time off from religion. No one and No JobTurkey (No offense to Wild Turkey )can tell you or force you to get right back on it. If religion is something that makes you sick and uncomfortable, then don't think about it and don't involved in it.
I consider myself a Christian, but I do believe strongly in Freedom for everybody. My folks are not Christians, yet I love them and they love me despite I don't believe their creed. So, please put religion in the backburner of your mind and your life. Enjoy the freedom and enjoy life.
BTW, say Hello to Wild Turkey for me.
Regards and love,
It's not an easy process. It's painful, and it takes time.
Don't try to go too fast. Take a break for a while, and enjoy your freedom to live without the pressure of the borg. It's possible to overload on all the stuff you find out about the borg, and it makes you question everything you were ever taught. Take the time to figure out what you really believe, as an individual, not as a follower. Start slowly. Hang out here, or find some xjws close to home, and have a cup of coffee. Find new friends who appreciate you for you.
Ask the questions you were never allowed to ask. You have the rest of your life to find answers. No need to hurry. You've been on a treadmill for a long time. Get off and just enjoy relaxing for a while. It helps to talk to others who've been down this road. There's a whole lot of us here. E-mail me if you want to talk. My e-mail is open.
cb -
years ago in melbourne, OZ. my ex-wife and i had a bible study with a woman, who whenever she came to the meetings got an extremely painful migraine also.
she would also break out in a cold sweat and somach cramps, and usually, i would finish up having to take her home.
of course, my ex-wife blame the demons -- and persuaded the woman to let her go thru her home looking for demon possessed objects.
she found something she reckoned was demonised -- and destroyed it, but nothing changed..
now i can look back with 20/20 vision and see that her inner wisdom was casing deep conflict whenever she got near the KH
Jesus, the Christ of Nazarene and Savior of Millions and I were out bowling the other night, when he was struck with an ailment very similar to the one you have spoken of, while reading a passage from the book of John awaiting His next set of pins. He said "My
headaches are usually direct punishments sent from Dad for sinning or being out late or something, but this headache in particular seems to have more of a dull nauseating throb than a searing pain." while massaging His temples. Says Jesus, "when unexplainable shit like this happens, and it DOES happen, I rely on Aleve to ease the pain, and chase it with a Carlsberg or something. Aleve never lets me down." -
Hey Lyin'
I'm just wondering, when you read the bible, do you read the New World Testament? Maybe a different translation would help. I really like the Living Bible or one I don't see much anymore called the Good News Bible. These translations seem to focus on the Grace of God and not the wrath of God.I don't know how to stop your headaches, but I would bet its tied to the feelings of guilt you feel from your days as a JW.
If you really feel like reading something spiritual, try "The Power of a praying wife" by Stormie Omartian. I'm reading her book called "The Power of a praying husband" and it is really uplifting.
The book was only $6.98 and I found it at Wal-mart, so no old feelings of guilt brought on by going to a chirstian bookstore are neccesary.Take care of yourself,
"maybe i should give myself more time to get to know myself"..........-that- is your spiritual side,......the other is your dark side.
Hi LyinEyes,
It takes a long time to rid yourself of the Watchtower's guilt toxins so give yourself a well deserved break from religion and Bible reading. Who needs all that extra tension? Relax and live like a human being for once instead of an obsessed fanatic. I don't mean this as an insult because being a JW naturally entails being an obsessed and guilt racked fanatic which is all very hard to clear out in just a year. It took many years for me to be comfortable with myself.
If you have a spiritual need I would check out Yoga and/or Martial Arts classes which will acknowledge your physical body's importance in spiritual growth, something which Western relgions tend to ignore. As a JW I'm sure your spiritual needs in the body's state has been completely ignored in difference to your intellectual exercises. Give your mind a break and concentrate on your body as you are really both of these equally combined. Balance yourself and maybe the pain will subside.
Enjoy your new freedom.
PS. There are no demons at the Yoga school or practice hall despite what the Watchtower told us.