WT Lies on Child Molestations

by ThiChi 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ThiChi

    Well the WT now says that we did not have a “body of knowledge” on the effects of Child Molestations twenty years ago. Rubbish!

    Thanks to Herbert, this is just a sample of WT observations on this subject:

    Good thinking! The last quote below is part of a whole series on molestation. It's ridiculous to say that people didn't know it was harmful 20 years ago.
    Also, this woman seems somehow to be connected strongly with the Catholic Church.

    *** g80 3/8 30 Watching the World ***
    Churches Pushing Porn?
    <G<÷÷>G> The Methodist Board of Discipleship recently ruled that 10 films intended for sex counseling could continue to be used for limited audiences. But a dissenting member of the Board commented: "The films were not, nor were the [sex counseling] forums, biblically based. The films showed men and women through the act of masturbation, and they also showed male and female homosexuality. Each one of these movies was from beginning to end-from the point of undressing to the point of climax." Methodist Minister Ted McIlvenna of San Francisco, who made most of the films, defended them, noting that they "were shot and produced by Methodist ministers." About 78,000 persons are said to have seen the explicit movies in the past seven years.
    A book titled "The Sex Atlas," produced by an official publishing arm of the Episcopal Church, is being sharply criticized by two Episcopal priests who feel that "it seems to be an apology for any aberrant sexuality." Among other things, they point to passages in the book that seem to minimize child molestation and sex with animals. The book says that molested children may be more "disturbed by adult hysteria about a gentle and friendly 'child molester'" than by the molestation itself. Also, it predicts that in the future "our society will be much less preoccupied with sexual contact between humans and animals. After all, as long as the animal is not hurt or mistreated, there is no need for social interference." Apparently this religious publishing house does not consider God's opinion on such matters to be relevant.-Ex. 22:19.


    *** g81 2/8 18 Incest-The Hidden Crime ***
    One incest victim recommended teaching children at an early age that certain parts of their bodies are not for others to play with. This can be done in a loving way, perhaps using the story of Dinah, in the publication My Book of Bible Stories. Then, if anything resembling molestation should occur, the child can immediately tell mother or father. Remember, sexual molestation does not have to be intercourse. Fondling, "touching," unwarranted intimacy or any sexual playing can cause great damage in later life.


    *** g85 1/22 3 Child Molesting-Every Mother's Nightmare ***
    Child Molesting-Every Mother's Nightmare
    FOR the young mother, it was a nightmare come true. When her four-year-old daughter complained of abdominal pains, she took her to see a doctor. The doctor, after a thorough examination, gravely told the mother that her little girl was the victim of sexual molestation. She had been raped. The mother informed the New York City authorities, who quickly determined that the abuse occurred at a Bronx, New York, day-care center.
    Investigations at the center yielded horrifying results. First one, then another, then still another child revealed that they, too, had been molested. At least 30 children eventually claimed that they had been abused in that same center. One of them had gonorrhea. Then reports surfaced that children had been molested at another day-care center. Then at another. Eventually seven day-care centers had to be investigated in the New York City area alone.
    As each new case was publicized, reports of child molesting started coming in from other parts of the country. The scandal spread. Parents asked one another: "What's happening?" What indeed! Was this just a freakish rash of molestation incidents? Or was it something very widespread that was only now being noticed?

  • KPL

    The way I taught my children about child molesters was to tell them my personal experience. I was molested by an elder when I was 7. He also had molested both my older sisters and his own granddaughters. I told them how I felt ashamed and when I told my parents, we had to tell the elders and he was punished. What I didn't tell them yet, was how I had to go before 3 brothers and tell them in detail what was said and what was done, all while the elder got to sit in the same room staring at me. I was told by my parents that he was disfellowshipped, but now looking back, maybe he wasn't. After all, there were not two witnesses to the event and he did not admit guilt.Fortunatly he wasin another congregation, but I remember having to see him at assemblies talking to other people and acting like he did nothing wrong. I didn't think too much about it in years until recently with all the new information coming to light. I find that even after 27 years, I have so much anger about the way it was handled. He should have gone to jail!

  • herbert




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