Bible contrasts egoism with spirituality. (Galatians 5:25, 26) Another famous scripture calls it as “mental disease” as egoist acts against the known facts and an ocean of experience. When one makes entry into this world, he depends on others, does so even more during his infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Then he thrives on the service of the society during adulthood, and falls into dependency during his old-age, and departs from this world leaving behind everything he thought he owned. Yet during the time he lived on this earth, he was ruled by the thought: “I am somebody & more important than others, I accomplished this and that and I am the owner of this and that, others are there for being used for my goal, I won’t tolerate anyone disagreeing with me, hence will have to shun him ….….” And this sort of collective thinking is fondly called nationalism [the fuel that runs the ALMIGHTY arms industry] which Albert Einstein called “an infantile disease and the measles of mankind.” Thus sense has become non-sense, and non-sense has become sense!
What is the solution?
NO SOLUTION, and God too will not intervene! World will end with a world war and civil wars. Till then if any individual wants to enjoy his life, he can. The more selfless one becomes the happier he will be--the validity of which could be found out by anybody who is willing to experiment it!