What the new children of the kingdom look like these days!

by Wasanelder Once 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    With JW.ORG becoming the rage and new object of veneration, this is how the children will be appearing in a KH near you! Any comments?

  • sparrowdown

    Oh man, now all we need are the Stepford Wives and the villagers from Hot Fuzz and the picture would be complete.

  • Fernando

    Maybe these are the 37% PEW says remain JWs?

  • WTWizard

    I hope they are good with AVG. I do not trust that site to not install spyware, presumably so the hounders can monitor your Internet activity.

  • 4thgen

    OMG that is GREAT!!!!!! Thanks for posting. Hugs, 4thgen

    Funny, how the kids onthe video have a similar look in their eyes!

  • Heaven

    Q: What are some of the exciting things Caleb and Sophia see when they visit Bethel?

    A: Not a damn thing!

    Q: What would you like to see when you come to Bethel?

    A: Nothing. I ain't coming.

  • sir82

    What are some of the exciting things Caleb and Sophia see when they visit Bethel?

    Industrial size washing machines, cold & sterile hallways, cramped dormitories, and insipid, boring landscaping and architecture.

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