With JW.ORG becoming the rage and new object of veneration, this is how the children will be appearing in a KH near you! Any comments?
What the new children of the kingdom look like these days!
by Wasanelder Once 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh man, now all we need are the Stepford Wives and the villagers from Hot Fuzz and the picture would be complete.
Maybe these are the 37% PEW says remain JWs?
I hope they are good with AVG. I do not trust that site to not install spyware, presumably so the hounders can monitor your Internet activity.
OMG that is GREAT!!!!!! Thanks for posting. Hugs, 4thgen
Funny, how the kids onthe video have a similar look in their eyes!
Q: What are some of the exciting things Caleb and Sophia see when they visit Bethel?
A: Not a damn thing!
Q: What would you like to see when you come to Bethel?
A: Nothing. I ain't coming.
What are some of the exciting things Caleb and Sophia see when they visit Bethel?
Industrial size washing machines, cold & sterile hallways, cramped dormitories, and insipid, boring landscaping and architecture.