Are you better than this religion?

by Quarterback 8 Replies latest social current

  • Quarterback

    Just observing this family in our congregation. The parents are in the faith, and active. The children, are grown-up, but viciously opposed. The children smoke, are immoral, are disrespectful of what their parents do for them, yet their parents still care for them materially. The children were baptized, but they faded away along time ago. It doesn't matter how hard the parents try, their children still show disrespect for the JW faith.

    I know that some JW's wouldn't show a caring attitude for such ungratefulness, but not this couple. This couple still are hopeful for their children, while they, themselves, even lack obedience towards WT policy on how to treat such ungrateful sons and daughters.

    If you were dependent on such loving, giving parents, would you show a disrepectful attitude towards them and their religion. Are you better than this religion?

  • Finkelstein

    There is a typical rebelliousness norm from adolescents in regards to the religion that their parents have brought themselves up in.

    How these offspring behave is irrelevant though since many young adults behave well even better than some of their parents.

    Careless irresponsible behavior stands by itself, irregardless of what religious indoctrination .

    To ask are you better than this religion or that religion is really a nonsensical question.


  • Finkelstein

    It would be honest to say that some information offered by the WTS. is wholesome and in the right direction from a sociological viewpoint.

    Some parents have attached themselves with the WTS. and its literature to use a guide for themselves and their children.

    A understandable and respectful endeavor nevertheless.

  • Quarterback

    Here's the point. We don't want JW's to be critical of people who don't want the religion, but if we are non practicing ourselves, are we just as critical?

    Why not just show respect for their parents beleif system and move on?

  • Finkelstein

    Well with the JWS its bit more involving particularly concerning DFing/shunning of past members.

    There have been a million or more families decimated by the instruction of not associating with DF members,

    that includes family members.

    This is where the strong arm tactic is enforced by the WTS.

    In spite there being respect from past members who were JWS children growing up.


    Saying simply no thank you I want a different faith, or saying I don't want to participate in this religion, could result in a separation of that relationship.


  • Quarterback

    Yes, Finkelstein, this is true with diehard members. The experience I have identified above have a blood is thicker than water policy. The WT does have some issues with their DF family members policy and that is why they constantly remind us to keep obeying this practice. There are many JW families that have children that would have been DF'd but they faded, and missed that crazy punishment.

    In certain family circles, you can get away with saying anything and it is overlooked.

  • Finkelstein

    A good part to why most young people reject the WTS. is because of the astronomical oppressive rules the WTS. have made up to create

    that righteous image a JWs is to publiclly display representing the WTS.

    For an example I was taken back to the back Hall and counseled on the fact I had a half inch of hair over my ears and I wouldn't be able

    to give talks or go out in service until it was cut.

    My father was with me during this counseling session, I guess the anger in him grew, later that same day he beat me up with his fists.

  • Quarterback

    Wow, Finkelstein. That is really extreme. Sorry for hearing about that harsh treatment.

  • Finkelstein

    This religion is and was like so many other Christian based faiths an opportunistic endeavor of self empowerment by men

    who were really just amateur bible theologians.

    They sold their interpretations to the public for the assuming power and attainable wealth

    but mostly for the power and control.


    They bullshitted allot undisclosed by fictitiously proclaimed they were doing the Lords work, when in

    actuality they were deeply absorbed in doing their own work.

    Welcome to America and the freedom of religion.

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