Whose thoughts are expressed in Romans? God’s, Paul’s, recorder’s, or of some interpolator’s? Could it be that all of them may have contributed to the letter? Interestingly, in Romans 16:21, 22 two voices are heard. That may be treated as something insignificant. Yet sudden change in the tone of voice in the key issues is note-worthy. For example, the lion-hearted Paul reflected in Romans Chapter 1 (especially from verses 20 through chapter 2) metamorphoses into a “miserable man” in chapter 7 (verses 19, 24). This does not befit the kind of person Apostle Paul is! He identifies himself as one appointed “to call all the Gentiles to the obedience.” (Romans 1:5) How can he do that if he himself is not obedient, “a miserable man”? The fact is that that he was obedient 100%, and had more than enough power within himself even ‘to empower others’ (Romans 1:11). Hence weakening verses found in chapter seven may have been a later interpolation to get the “ears tickled.” (2 Timothy 4:3)
He says people simply CHOOSE to do what is right or what is wrong. (Romans 2:6-8) Thus he is fully aware of the powerful secret of life: Write your destiny with your hands. Thus he means we have such potential, such power that we can write or rewrite our destiny! All we need to know is what we want to do with our lives!
Through the introductory two chapters, Paul seems to convey this: We have God’s qualities displayed in the creation like a light-house; we are filled with immense potential. Life too is always giving us more energy: the more we use our forces, the more we grow. When we limit it to pursuing self-centered ideas, we find ourselves in disharmony with ourselves and others, and experience resistance from nature, we become tired fast. Ego eats lots of energy.
On the contrary, life is so beautiful, when you are moving in the right direction (taking others also into consideration), with the spirit of adventure and joy. Concern for others is rooted in light. Light is altruistic through and through. Altruism is the very heart of light. Light cannot be outwitted; it can only be followed. You feel good, want to live more, want to work more, you don’t want to take rest! That is how you can make your life, design your destiny, and make your destiny. You feel purposeful. It is all in your hands. Ignore energy-draining verses such as ‘I-am-a-miserable man.’ What happens inside a being is what is reality; external manifestations are only its reflection. When we change the real, reflection will automatically change.
Paul tells us to take lessons from creation. Even in the midst of a storm an eagle will not feel “what a miserable bird I am.” When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it. The eagle does not escape the storm. It simply uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the winds that bring the storm. The storms do not have to overcome us. We can soar above the storm. It is not the burdens of life that weigh us down, it is how we handle them!