I emailed this JW the Dateline info, as well the March 1997 BOE and the British June 2001 BOE that shows that sex offenders aren't always removed from privilege and responsibility, despite what the WT website says, as well as JR Brown, and this is what she said (get a load of the last paragraph as well):
"I won't be missing the book study because I go on Saturday morning before service...but regardless...I am sure that you have heard of a recordable VCR. See, we put kingdom interests first! It works well for us.
I heard JR Brown speak live on Phoenix talk radio the "religion show" a few months ago for about an hour. It was the most impressive conversation I have ever heard. I absolutely loved what he said and how he presented it. Why don't you call Pat McMann at his office and get a copy of it. Pat was extremely impressed with JR Brown.
I can't read all this now...but if you are asking me if there are sex offenders as elders right now in the organization I AM SURE THERE ARE. See we inherited sin from Adam....... So yes....there are sick people. But if these are known by the other elders.....yes, they should be removed, and according to the Watchtower, would be removed. Whether the body removes them or not, they will have to answer to Jehovah later about their decision. Yes, I would be upset if I was in a congregation and an elder was serving in the cong, and had been a known child molester. WE ARE IMPERFECT PEOPLE. Jehovahs organization is trying to do what they can to weed out those ones who need to be weeded out...... If it doesn't get done, Jehovah will do it later.
Have you ever heard of the witness hotline? It means tell one JW something, and they all know about it. Every witness in town was listening to JR Brown that day. As will everyone know about Dateline. We listen to all sorts of things. It strenghthens our faith."