My mother has waived her shunning of me as she is seriously ill. Her elders have classed the situation as a 'dire family circumstance' and
all restrictions have been lifted. Some crazy hypocritical reasonings on the elder's part but who cares? She's loving having us back.
As my non-jw brother lives with her, I have made it clear that I will continue to visit anyway should things slide downhill.
I'm having some very interesting conversations with her, managing to get in some pretty juicy wt history etc, but I know when
to shut up.
Yesterday I heard her say what we have all wondered about; she is 84 and a jw for 57 years. Here it is:
" I really believe Jesus is coming back to start Armageddon next month. You see, it will happen on the 4th/5th October. It's been
one hundred years exactly since he started to reign - yes, next month, I really think that".
OMG, my poor Mum.