"Sermon On The Tower"
By The Battered Slave
Happy are all of you heartless serial pedophiles
For the police will never reach your disgusting files
Wholeheartedly you will praise the childless leaders
For the innocent victims will upset those policy makers
Elders are told not to touch your past of law braving
They won't know that fondling toddlers is your craving
The choking cries of defenseless youngsters in agony
Soothe your filthy soul as the melody of a symphony
You will not shiver although they know you by name
You will be staring at them as they'll shrink in shame
Witnesses who don't show up will put you out of reach
The infant's nightmares will be your license to teach
Kids left for dead in the weak arms of tearful mothers
Will see you on platforms with a gospel for all brothers
Truly I say to you, you will be going from door to door
Making a show of goodness covering a rotten core
You will prove to be one of the criminals most wanted
Yet you will be a saint by the license you are granted
Your eyes will glow when a smiling child comes out
That might be a little lamb, which you'll dream about
Your lips will deploy a smile as perfect as a myth
Bad wolf exposing the fang he plays and kills with
Woe to all the unaware pregnant and nursing women
You will be forced to deny the tears of your children
Truly I say to you, the very fruits of your own womb
Will be quieted as if they were in the heart of a tomb
The only right you will ever have will be to remain silent
Your despairing outcries will be perceived as violent
You'll kiss the feet of the demon hurting your child
You'll be a slanderer and expelled for not being mild.
Brooklyn Bethel will understand the problem of pedophilia
when the treasure chests start getting empty. I wonder who
in the GB is voting against tougher policies on pedophilia.
Dateline on Tuesday? Run WT! Run!