This Monday I went to the INS building here in Houston to continue my process in becoming a US citzen. I went in the building. I had to pass though a metal detector and then I went inside. There were a lot of people there. People of different nationalities, different races, all speaking in their native tongues. I waited for about an hour before I met with an INS agent. While I was waiting I read my "Poker For Dummies" book and I talked to this nice couple from South Afica who were both becoming citizens. Finally a INS agent called for me. He then took me to his room.
(On an interesting side note, I noticed that the office next to the one where I was at, the INS agent inside was named Walter Skinner. This is the same name of the guy who was Mulder and Scully's boss on "The X-Files." Imagine the jokes this guy must hear.)
He was rather stoned faced and conservative. He told me to raise me hand and I had to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God. He asked me if my name was Jesus Gilberto Guerrero, where I live and what my phone number was. Then he gave a ten question multiple choice test. It was very easy. I read questions like: What country did the US declare its independence from? Who was the president during the Civil War? That kind of thing. I finished it in about three minutes.
He then quickly graded it and congradulated me in passing the test. He then led me to another room where there were several other people waiting. I waited for about fifteen minutes. Then this woman called out me name. She gave me a letter telling me that my citizenship swearing ceremony would be in a month.
After the ceremony I will offically be an American! Woo-hoo!
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"