Was listening to the audio on the way to town as I have amny times buit noted a phrase that popped out.
"South toward the Negab"
Most people would place this in the Sinai Pen. or even Saudi Arabia.
But the text disagrees. "Negab towards the south..."
At this moment I want to give a finger to the fundementalists that take this as histry and explain some things
1. The Negab is NOT south of either St. Catherines or Jabel-ElLawes...Mt. Sinai...
2. The expression south towards...the Negab.. is saying this is a southern loacation in Jerusalem likely.
Ezra claims that the foundations were built but not finished for many years.. what would these people do? Worship at a tent? With the south toward the Negab? Yeah likely.
BTW I got this all from you holy bible.... yeah listening to the part you find boring. Exodus 25-40.
The idea of P writing (Priestly) is as old theory tha has yet to be rejected BUT when? Part of it likely dates in Hellenistic times BUT.... I think some of it like this tabenacle was written in the 6th or likely 5th century.