Yesterday a gentleman came by to install some peripherals for my projector room and as he was looking for something to test the connections and picture I told him to look around in the media center for a video. I cam out about 3 minutes later to see how things were coming and I noticed that I still had a DVD from the Jehovah's Witnesses. I bent down to pick it up and as soon as I did he asked me if I was one.
I told him no, but I use to be. He said lucky you! You got out before they drove you crazy like they did my friend. I laughed abd he said, "Seriously they drove my friend crazy. He said before I tell you who he was listen to this story."
He went on to recount there was this kid who had strict parents and had to sneak away to play with the other kids in the neighborhood. He always had to be inside by 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday for church meetings. He said after awhile hje started acting really weird though and just stopped hanging oput. He said they were friends since like the first grade. He said he moved away and then a few years later he saw him on T.V. when they cap[tured him!
I was like who was it already and he told me it was John Salvi. I didn't remember the name and he said, "The guy that killed all of the abortion doctors blah blah blah. Then I remembered it from the news years back. Was anyone else aware of this? Is it even true?