I've thought about this for a long time, Doug.
A two-minute tour of the Bible and Christianity.
Get ready . . .Get set . . . GO!
There was no "Bible" as such, until several hundred years of oral storytelling gave way to apologetic.
(Marcion (the gnostic) and others compiled "official" writings, and the Church needed ammunition for rebuttal in writing as a kind of tangible "proof".)
Even so, the universal Christian Church (Catholic) held all authority until the 16th century WITHOUT using the Bible.
The entire world of Christianity existed WITHOUT anybody owning "Bible."
(WHAT WERE CHRISTIANS THINKING? Was "thinking" even a part of being "Christian?")
Christianity was NOT about "right teachings held to be true" (orthodoxy). For those 1500 years, Christianity was about
confessing Jesus as savior and confessing sins and taking the crackers and wine.
Then what happened to change all that?
PROTEST against corruption in the hierarchy!
Protestantism brought a kind of revolution and not only did the pomp and pope come tumbling down, so did Magisterium and Tradition.
PROTESTANTS turned to a different kind of POPE. Protestants elevated the newly translated Bible to a new form of IDOLATRY : Bible worship.
(Sola Scriptura: the Bible alone, in prayer aided by Holy Spirit).
Instead of one Christianity (Catholic) there were thousands of OPINIONS (Denominations).
Today we have 41,000 opinions. (Denominations.)
(WHERE DID ALL THAT THINKING come from? Why all those opinions?)
The FUNDAMENTALISTS (among them, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, etc.) demand THOUGHT CONTROL.
QUOTING SCRIPTURE is a substitute for owning an opinion. If you quote the right scripture, it's the same thing as having an opinion;
except you DON'T. You are merely joing a group telling you which scriptures are important. Which ones "mean" this and that.
JW's don't bother much with Jesus except as an invisible fetish to justify the sheep's clothing of "Christ"ianity.
JW'S are judged by how controlled they allow themselves to become.
North Korea could learn a lot from Jehovah's Witnesses.
Christians did not have to THINK to be Christians until the Bible came along. Then, suddenly--everybody had thoughts and OPINIONS! Quoting scripture is a form of opinion. "Right" thoughts (orthodox) allow people without education to become empowered to make others do this and that. Cults are peopled with those who can't think for themselves being told what to think and what it means.