A FUNDAMENTALIST changes his mind (how very rare!) Intellectual honesty at work

by Terry 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    FROM Professor Bart Ehrman's blog:

    Fundamentalists and the Variants in our Manuscripts


    First, our friends among the fundamentalists and conservative evangelicals.

    As I explained in my book, Misquoting Jesus , I myself was a fundamentalist when I first learned about the manuscripts of the New Testament and the fact that we do not have the originals of any of the books of the New Testament and that the copies that we do have, almost all of which are many centuries after the originals, are full of changes and mistakes.

    At the time, as a good, devout, conservative Christian, this historical reality did not much disturb me. I believed that God had inspired the originals of the New Testament by directing the authors of Scripture to write what they did. But after the originals were produced by divinely inspired authors, they were copied by regular ole people; and regular ole people are not inspired and they, unlike the authors themselves, make mistakes.

    So why wouldn’t there be lots and lots and lots of mistakes? The NT was copied by human scribes. That wasn’t a problem for me, theologically. In fact, I found it interesting. Really interesting. Fantastically interesting. And for this reason: if we don’t have the actual originals in hand, but only later copies that have lots of mistakes, that means that in order to figure out what God revealed to us through the authors of Scripture, we have to engage in textual criticism to get *back* to the originals. In other words, studying the surviving manuscripts of the NT was actually a sacred duty , and of utmost importance .

    I realized this already as an 18-year-old. And it is what drove me, initially, to become a biblical scholar. God had inspired the originals, and so we jolly-well better figure out what the originals said so we could know what the inspired words were. This was an exciting venture for me and drove me to delve into manuscript studies – even before I knew Greek!

    I started studying Greek, at Wheaton College as a 20-year-old, because I knew I wanted to study the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. And working on Greek manuscripts and related topics continued to occupy my scholarly passions for over twenty-five years.

    But during that time, I had a change of mind, one that I would encourage all fundamentalists and conservative evangelicals to consider as well. It suddenly occurred to me one day that my view of Scripture was problematic precisely for the reason that was driving me to study the manuscripts. It involved a very, very simple question, that for some reason had never struck me with full force before: Why Are There All These Variants?

    Of course I had always assumed that it was simply because humans had copied the texts. But wait a second. I firmly believed that God had done a miracle in order to inspire the authors of the texts to write his words. Surely this means that God wanted his people (the Christians) to have his words. Why else would he inspire the authors? But if he wanted Christians to have his very words, then why did he allow the originals to get lost? And why didn’t he ensure that the copyists didn’t make mistakes when they copied their texts? The fact that he did not ensure this showed that actually he must not have been all that interested in giving Christians his words.

    That is to say, it would have been no greater miracle to preserve the God-given text than it would have been to inspire it in the first place. More people would be involved, to be sure (the copyists): but really it would not take THAT big of a miracle to make sure they didn’t make mistakes. It IS possible to copy a manuscript without making mistakes. With advanced technology we do it billions of times today; but it is also possible to devise mechanisms for hand-copying texts completely accurately. Jews in the Middle Ages did it. God never made sure the Christians ever did. But why not? Why didn’t God make sure it happened? Even occasionally?

    This was a troubling thought to me and it made me reconsider things. I knew for a fact that God had not given us, today, his words, since all we had were later manuscripts filled with mistakes. If God had not given us his words, why should I think that he *ever* gave us his words? Why think that the Bible was inspired by God if it was not preserved by God?

    This is one of the things that led me away from fundamentalism. It did not make me an agnostic, an unbeliever, an apostate, or anything else that I may have become. It simply made me someone who was more thoughtful and sophisticated in his view of Scripture. (I became agnostic for completely other reasons, unrelated to the problem of the manuscripts.) I continued to understand the Bible to be the Word of God, but not in a literal mechanistic way. I did not think God actually determined which specific words the authors would convey. If he was interested in giving his people his words, he would have made sure they had his words. He didn’t make sure. And so obviously he wasn’t that interested

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Hi Terry,

    I highly recommend the book: "A High View of Scripture? The Authority of the Bible and the Formation of the New Testament Canon", by Craig D. Allert.

    It is written with the fundamentalist position clearly in view.


  • EdenOne

    One is faced with a hard choice here. Either

    a) God was competent to inspire / move human writers to write his words and thoughts, but incompetent to preserve the anadultered message of the original writings;


    b) God never intended to produce a "Bible", an authorized anthology of books detailing some of his dealings with mankind, his words and thoughts, And therefore, had no interest in miraculously preserve those writings in pristine original form for posterity;


    c) Nothing that was ever written as 'inspired scripture' was ever produced by God, is merely the endeavour of humans who wrote 'inspired', in the sense that they had God in mind when they wrote down their own thoughts.

    Hard choice.


  • Terry


    One is faced with a hard choice here. Either

    a) God was competent to inspire / move human writers to write his words and thoughts, but incompetent to preserve the anadultered message of the original writings;


    b) God never intended to produce a "Bible", an authorized anthology of books detailing some of his dealings with mankind, his words and thoughts, And therefore, had no interest in miraculously preserve those writings in pristine original form for posterity;


    c) Nothing that was ever written as 'inspired scripture' was ever produced by God, is merely the endeavour of humans who wrote 'inspired', in the sense that they had God in mind when they wrote down their own thoughts.


    Well said and well put.

    Honest choices are always hard . . . IF we are emotionally invested in a . . . CERTAIN sort of outcome.

    Intellectual honesty lets the chips clatter to the floor as they are.

    Hard choice.

  • Terry

    Doug Mason:

    Hi Terry,

    I highly recommend the book: "A High View of Scripture? The Authority of the Bible and the Formation of the New TestamentCanon", by Craig D. Allert.


    I'll keep an eye peeled (ouch!) but I ain't uh gonna plop down cash for it!

  • jgnat

    A revelation for me was why would God would cut off inspiration 2,000 years ago? Surely there has been improvement through the ages on things like the workings of the universe, child rearing, human rights, justice, and hygiene.

    “It seems a commonly received idea among men and even among women themselves that it requires nothing but a disappointment in love, the want of an object, a general disgust, or incapacity for other things, to turn a woman into a good nurse. This reminds one of the parish where a stupid old man was set to be schoolmaster because he was "past keeping the pigs.” ― Florence Nightingale, Notes On Nursing

    Ethics is nothing else but reverence for life. ― Albert Schweitzer

    Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. ― Viktor E. Frankl

  • Vidiot

    Terry - "Honest choices are always hard... IF we are emotionally invested..."

    Realizing that was a bit of a milestone in my exit.

    I had decided to risk examining the arguments and evidence honestly, and concluded that, in fact, evolution was true, and therefore Genesis couldn't be literal history.

    I initially felt very distressed because I thought (due to intellectial honesty, which I valued) - that because of it, I'd have to leave the JWs, and it didn't help when I grasped quite quickly that the WTS's rejection of evolution was ideology-based (rather than evidence-based), and for that reason, they couldn't ever really budge on creationism.

    Soon, though, I realized that I didn't have as much emotional capital invested in my membership as I'd thought, and by that point, the choice to fade became a much easier decision.

  • Terry

    I grasped quite quickly that the WTS's rejection of evolution was ideology-based (rather than evidence-based), and for that reason, they couldn't ever really budge on creationism.

    I find a certain pleasure in the irony: Jehovah's Witnesses and hardcore evangelical Fundamentalists are on the same page with the same stale (dishonest)

    arguments and presentation. How can so-called "false" religion be teaching what you are teaching? Should everything be opposite if you are the only

    one with the Truth?

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