Witnesses and care of the elderly

by Lynnie 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lynnie

    My uber JW mother fell and broke her arm a couple of weeks ago. First off no one told me until 5 days later when I called to check in with her. There was someone staying with her at the time but that person was going to have to go elsewhere for a week. A couple of women in the congregation stepped up and filled the gap. My cousin who is in charge of her estate and is power of attorney was out of town and is now back and calls me up saying "well maybe you could "help out" with my mom over the weekend. WTF? Really? He's an uber elder in the congregation and I'm so pissed that he can't bother to call me any other time or bother to keep me informed but now he "needs" me. I didn't commit at all because I think the people in the congregation need to step up. My mother has pioneered for 40 years and has always been active in the congregation and I thought she had a lot of friends. Where the heck are they now????

  • Aroq

    Sadly, it appears she is of no use to them now. This has been my observation, one is only looked to for what they can give and once that is gone so is the support.

  • bigmac

    my 93 y o jw dad is in a care home. i visit him 3-4 times a week--i did today. last year a local elder and wife visited him a few times---as did a 90.y o sis who lived nearby. shes died now. ( her non-jw son called in to tell my dad the news --good of him. ) no-one else has been to see him this year.

    its as if theyve written him off. he was baptised 52 years ago--same time as me -i was 14.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Though it is especially heinous the way JW's treat the elderly, it is not uncommon for the elderly to be neglected. They just dont fill a need for most people. There are a few who enjoy helping others and can see through the stresses of being with those who are declining in years. Life rolls on and they are doing what the elderly did when they were younger, living. I take care of my dad (in his late 80's with chronic pain) and its not easy while dealing with my own health issues. In the end, witness or not, it is our family that we should be able to count on. Hope you can visit more often.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Got an elderly sister in the congregation we attend (at times). Over the past couple of years, her condition has worsened. She is feeble and losing her memory. Her kids could care less. They are out traveling the world or "serving" in some other area and can't be bothered cause "Jehovah" is using them somewhere else. Joke.

  • Legacy


    Most witnesses feel going out in field service, reaching out for pioneering/MS/Elder, know the bible (so they think). dressing modestly, having neat literature, neat bible (which if your bible is neat, to me it means...you don't use it), having a neat home, don't curse (not in public anyway), moaning & groaning about life, saying they know why God wants to get rid of this system, etc...is a substitute for being kind to others...It's all lip service. Oh sure, they'll visit so & so in the hospital in the beginning, & say, you know I went to see so & so in the Hospital, don't even hardly know the person, but will go, just to say they did & you didn't. Most of them need a pat on the back for emptying the trash at the hall...HOW COMMENDABLE...It's all about what it looks like, they say, Jehovah looks at the heart but they haven't really got the message at all. They are all about appearance...ever go to the counter to get your literature, how many take a lot of magazines....just to show...See, I'm a good little witness, that's why I'm taking all these magazines, because I do give out these magazines, I may run out...now go their homes...or even listen to them....you'll hear...or see they have so many magazines, they are thinking about getting rid of them....It's the greatest show on earth besides the circus....why do you think we have to fill out field service reports, to show...why from the platform they say in the middle of the month, well, we still haven't gotten a few field service reports (from not the previous month but the month before that), you know why ? Because they can't SHOW A LOT OF HOURS NOR A LOT OF MAGAZINES GIVEN OUT....So Lynnie, don't worry about them witnesses, just make sure you do what you're supposed to do....I have an elderly MOM & I speak with her daily at least 3 to 4 times, I try to get to see her during the week, & always see her on the weekend, maybe not Sat. & Sunday...I take breaks because I work & my mom understands, because I've been taking care of her for a long time now...& she says, I don't need to be around sick folks all the time...but because she is understanding I don't neglect her...again, you do your part...Parents are not perfect but they raised us & it wasn't easy, so all you are doing is giving her back what she gave you...Try to talk to her more, you never know...even if you can't visit....My Mom also has help during the day, but they are just making sure she's ok, but they are no replacement for....ME...her child...


  • Lynnie

    Well I'm sorry but my "natural affection' for my mother is long gone and I'm pretty sure there is no getting it back after the abuse and shunning for 35 years. SORRY! I will be helping with her this weekend however since I'm not that bad of a guy but I HATE being ordered around by my uber edler witness cousin. And being lied to as well, he said he needed to spend time with his dad(my uncle) this weekend and I found out from another family member that my uncle is out of town with my cousin's daughter!!! Oh and do you think he'll be available to help me if I ever needed it? Bet you a million dollars NOT!!!

  • Legacy

    Hi Lynnie,

    I understand...but guess what ? God sees all...no need to be sorry...doesn't the bible say we reap what we sow...sure it does...You are not a bad person...do what you can...& that's all you can do....Many times we do things we don't want to but that's when God really looks at us...it's easy to do things for those we love or care about, but to do for those who have hurt us or shunned us...that's where it's at...Don't worry about your Elder cousin, he's going to have to answer to God for himself...we all will be accountable for only ourselves...let him worry about his own salvation...if you believe in God, just stay in your lane...You don't have to have any natural affection for Mom, but is she goes on...you don't want to be hanging over the coffin & kicking & screaming because you feel guilty...do what you can while she is here, even if it's not from the heart...If you Mom knew bette she would do better, some folks are so paradise bound they are no earthly good....I am not betting you, because I know you are right...Elders are humans first....if they don't fix the inside before the outside, they'll never be any good...Take Care..won't be on this site of a while...got stuff to do...

    Take Care....Don't be bitter, makes wrinkles...LOL..


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