Any Religion accepting a 501-C-3 tax exemption agrees not to discredit or speak negatively about the US (the "us") government. How can a religion that claims to tell the truth agree to lie about the fundamental plauge infesting the planet? Apparently it's because they are just as much a part of the fascist corporatocracy centered in the financial world capitol of BabyLon don as any other government agency in this world empire of insanity. Anyone with a knowledgeable history of the British Empire will recognize Babylon in Revelation 18 as "The City" or "The Square Mile" in reference to the tiny or 'baby" city of London, the financial district in the middle of London proper or the financial capitol of the world. A further study of the 10 world districts and the G-7 and G-8 set up by the globalists or "New World Order" (beast) rounds out the 7 heads + the 8th that recieved the "wound that healed". A study of the British Monarchy reveals their mad attachment to Jewish history in their regailia and ceremony, particularly the "stone of Jacob" located under the British Throne. They lay claim to the Jewish "right" of ruling the planet because they claim their bloodline is Jewish going back to Abraham. They are part of the Zionist movement along with their brother imposters in the Vatican and in Israel with the Kazarian Ashkenazi "Jews" who have no Jewish or even semitic blood. Then you reach the point of who are the real Jews? They're not semetic and they're not from the middle east, but that's another story that came from of all places Ireland. Crazy you say? Don't say crazy until you see this. Your view of what you Think you know will drastically change. Nothing is as it seems. Negative comments made by anyone not willing to take the time to watch it will be ignored...
"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." Rev. 3:9