who are those who have no hope? and why.
1st thess 9 13-17
by sowhatnow 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Do you mean 1st thess 4 v 13-17
Those who have no hope are people who are not baptised into Christ and do not expect to rise from the dead.
yea sorry,, so then according to jw logic, all people who are 'unbaptised' will have no hope. but id doesnt say anything about being baptised there.
isnt that contradictory? all we have to do is believe according to Christ.
[and what about alll those people in the rest of the world? who never knew anything of a bible or God. they have no hope]
this must be refering to that day becasue vs 15 strongly tells us that it was only for thier time period.
the chosen ones of israel.
How about
Mar 16:16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Sadly, those who know nothing of Christ have no hope.
How about
Mar 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Sadly, those who know nothing of Christ have no hope.
Yup! - I'm hope-less (haha) but I consider that better than a deluded hope that i will:
Get a ressurection to: (a) eternal life in heaven. (b) eternal life on earth.
but you know, it doesnt say what they are being saved FROM. and how they will be damed. maybe it was just being saved from the coming tribulation of the destruction of jerusalem.
in revelation, apparetnly people who did not accept jesus would be thrown outside with the dogs, but they would be still alive. outside the nation of God apparently. but still not dead.
Lots of contradictions, Jesus said all one would have to do is believe in him, but later one must be born again, then one must eat of his blood. So is it a progression if so why was it not mentioned in just one gospel and why did john gospel be so different then they others?
maybe the summa scriptures has the answer
This is a blatant lie!
Everybody knows if you gather the 7 dragon balls you can have anything you want too, ressurection included.
And if you get a bite from a vampire you becomes immortal too.
There are many ways one can get eternal life (depending what book you're reading).