LOVE and DEATH from God's P.O.V.
Would anybody care to state exactly what it is . . . ?
On WHAT basis this tribal deity known as Jehovah can be said to:
"For God so loved the world . . . "John 3:16
Is it on humanity's sinful merit? No.
Is it on their fallen heritage? No.
Is it on the perfection of their behavior? No.
So, why is it "God so loved the world . . . "?
Could it be our idea of LOVE is very very different from God's idea of Love?
Could it be our idea of JUSTICE is very very different from God's idea of Justice?
Let's examine this!
Judaism demonstrated a Law purportedly perfect.
This Law of Moses consisted of cutting the throat of animals. Hundreds of thousands of animals died in a pool of their own blood.
This bloodletting--as primitive and barbaric as it is--was the most essential aspect of God's perfect Law.
This "perfect" Law demonstrated, so we are told, the Justice of Almighty God.
JUSTICE is getting "what you deserve" and not getting what you don't. Agreed?
Yet, the "perfect" Law tells us something weird, unsettling and bizarre.
It doesn't really matter what crimes you commit as long as something sweet and innocent gets snuffed out!
Human Justice insists on punishing the guilty and releasing the innocent.
God's Justice is the very opposite!
God so "loved" the world that He gave (i.e. allowed to be brutally executed) His only begotten Son . . . "
God's LOVE is the desire for innocent suffering and bloodshed.
God's JUSTICE is scapegoat justice.
Isn't this really the reason humans are so puzzled by the seeming INJUSTICE of life ruled by a God of Love?
Humans have it backward?