o.k. we do not know that Herod died in 4BC . Some simple digging has shown that the date for Herod's death is very much up for debate . The reasoning used by the chappie who came up with that date (can't remember his name though I have just read it , senior moment ) and indeed the information given by Josephus on the subject is flawed . Again not much research needed to find that out . I was accused of being condescending when I asked if atheists did as much research into proving the validity of the Bible as into proving it wrong . I did not mean to be condescending but I think that this is a valid question . If I had just gone along with this date because somehow it has become accepted I would also be confused .
The problem of the census may be solved by looking at another posslble translation of the word "first " before census as it can be translated as "before " .
Please think before trying to rob someone of their faith and do some honest research of your own . If you are attempting to show the problems within the Watchtower o.k. Yes that may seem hypocritical of me but I do agree that they are flawed as an organisation . However many who leave the Org do find it hard to trust any faith system again and COULD be left worse off .