Skimming through social media through one of my former Jdubb friends. I seen that practically every Jdubb I grew up with are married and have kids or one is on the way. It's kind of depressing to me since I'm still single and have no kids. I think of the situation though, if I was still in, would I be married with children? I shudder to think of raising a kid in that cult. It was a sigh of relief thinking about it the yesterday. I think of the ones who had a hard time -some still do- in leaving with a marriage and kids. That is a hard situation. My life now, I may be struggling with some things now. I work my ass off on 2 jobs for 16 hours+ and I have little time for anything really. I'm trying to get more certifications for one of my jobs, so I can make more money and quit the other one. Time has flown by these last few years with my departure from the Organization. A lot of changes to the doctrines and friends I've known moving on with their lives. Some seem real happy and I wonder what they're really thinking about what's going on with the organization. It's great for them to have kids and have some happiness with it. I only hate that these kids will be 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation Witnesses that are trapped in the cult. Wish there was a way to open these guys eyes about the TTAT more quickly and not continue this cancer in future generations. THIS BORG NEEDS TO SHUTDOWN! IT'S RUINED ENOUGH LIVES ALREADY!
Sad to see
by whathehadas 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I only hate that these kids will be 2nd, 3rd, or 4th generation Witnesses that are trapped in the cult.
The good news is that not many Born-Ins remain in the religion.
2/3 or 3/4 of them leave it. Hopefully, while they still have plenty of time to get on with their lives and be productive & happy in society.
The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life.
@DesirousOfChange yeah that is true. Though, the Witnesses best way of increasing their numbers is to have children. It's more effective than the witnessing, with the long converting process.The numbers will be more in their favor with more child bearing. The number of Witnesses compared to the world population is small anyway. A few born-ins that stay in can still look good for them.
Responsible Childbearing in this Time of the End. Ah, whatever happened to that talk?
Think of the hours you can get in with 'family worship(tm)'.
It looks like most of the 'growth(tm)' is from born ins. A vast majority of 'baptisms(tm)' I saw was indeed born ins getting guilt tripped by the WBT$ into being dunked.
There was a time when the 'baptisms(tm)' were quite long winded due to the amount of victims. The last few a$$emb£ies I went to I saw a stark decrease in numbers being dunked.
Of those dunked not too many remained in the WBT$ compound.
@Punkofnice Great point. The time was supposed to be “short”. Guess it's helps with the attendance count for right now. I'm sure they're counting the babies. The numbers will look good until that 11 year old or 12 year old grows up and wakes up. There was a couple I was close to. They are a few years older than me. I remember vividly, sitting over lunch with them and talking about the world. I stated that “I wonder how the world will be in 10 years?”. They were quick to say that they don't think that we have 5 years in this system. That was 7 years ago and they are now having a child in their mid 30's. I think they know that “New System” isn't coming anytime soon.
I'm sure they're counting the babies
You are right. A year or so ago when I pretty well had had it with the nitwits in charge, I was supposed to be a KH attendent. I got my tit in a wringer with the eldums because my count was too low. I didn't count babies, or kids sitting on the floor coloring, or bored old people snoozing. I was told if I didn't count EVERYONE I would not be used as an attendent anymore. I said, "GOOD!" After all who wants to be "used"? They don't ask me anything anymore, and will only call on me out of desperation. My comments are too pointed.
@piztjw I've seened that stated before on this forum. I think I did overhear some elders saying count the kids too while I was still in. So I know this is close to the truth