As everyone knows, there have been major changes in KH financing recently. This means that congs should only have funds equal to 3 months expenditure on hand - send the rest to the borg. In the UK there has also been an appeal to send extra funds to finance the new Bethel (if we are going to print our own literature and show videos on the doors, why do they need a new Bethel?). Now there is a letter (to elders - they don't want it read out) about projection equipment which "encourages" us to place an order promptly. The cost is over £1000 but the funds and installation costs have to be raised locally. I suggest as many publishers as possible are made aware of what is happening.
UK KH projection equipment
by Saltheart Foamfollower 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm inclined to believe you but without a scan of that letter there's little that can be done . .
is the letter specific about where the equipment should be ordered from?
Surely if they have sent money to the society to be looked after, they can use that.
Yup very interested to see letter, kit list etc.
Saltheart Foamfollower
Sorry I cant work out how to copy & paste the letter. The projector is identified as "high-quality competitively-priced Panasonic video projectors" with the projector alone costing £820. The total cost of all equipment is £1,120. They will be obtained through the supplier arrangement section of the website. I should also say that it isn't UK only - Ireland is also included.
They can raise it their damn selves. I have to gather as much silver as I can, and I only have a short time to do so before hyperinflation makes it impossible. And with silver such a bargain these days, I do not want to waste money on one of those projector systems so they can centralize all the talks. This will just impoverish the whole experience even worse than the "in the words of the paragraph" comments, shortened book studies combined with the theocraptic misery "school(??)", and the one-day a$$emblies.
As for me, I hope they do not raise enough money for anything.
When people are so f***ing dumb with their money, they have no one else to blame.
Ain't giving it to WTS better than throwing it in the streets?
Verified: At the moment RBC is mobilising teams to install projectors in kingdom halls.
In my experience, the society will provide a list of recommended equipment to use, and if they need the WTS support they have to stick to the list. Usually all stick to the list, very rarely someone will get an item not specified, but the issue will be when asking bethel to help in installing, they will get zero help because these are not recommended equipment.
Very simple like any other company, get your own laptop you are on your own!