Many view sports figures as shallow and comical and, while it is true that Mohammad Ali did fit those descriptions many times, he also voiced, at times, a profound wisdom that rings true with many JW's and former JW's.
Interesting speech by Mohammad Ali
by LogCon 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yup, that's a good one. Well done for digging it up ! I always felt there was more to Ali than the jester we had all come to like or dislike. I am in the first camp, by the way.
Shame about the religion he opted for. I know a lot of Black folk around the world who embraced Islam largely because they viewed it as a rejection of a fully functional part of the establishment that oppressed them rather than on the merits of Islam per se. What am I getting at? My point is that a vast number of African Americans once viewed Christianity as one of the vestiges of slavery, rather than a form of faith deserving of consideration simply on its own merits.
I am black and I think I understand how a lot of black folk think and feel about Christianity. Unfortunately, some of those misgivings about Christianity are rather misplaced, if you ask me. Many black folk seem to forget or are totally oblivious of the exploits of the Arabs in Africa and the religion that came with them.
People have to begin to see the world (earth) for what it really is - a gift to mankind and a test of how we can work together as one human race - a board of "trustees", to borrow Ali's word from that video clip. I have seen white folk hurt or kill blacks simply because of their colour and I have seen some white folk lay down their very lives to save black folk. Again, what am I saying? The world isn't simply "Black and White" as some people might think. It is on this basis, and this basis only, that I still find some pleasure in being human and being alive.
I have experienced racism first hand and continue to do so (unfortunately, that will never's just the way the world works) Yet, I have received unquantifiable love and affection from white folk, enough to permanently alter any narrow stereotypes and I am glad about that ! I am also glad to be able to view religions on their merits and what they seek to achieve rather than where they originated from and whom they are largely associated with.
Hey, I have just had a pause and this writing is a million miles from the subject of this thread ! What a digression ! Some might even say it's a rant ! Well, that would be giving it too much credit ! Just some of those thoughts that float around in the head and scarcely get expressed. Pardon me, please.
Yes, thanks for sharing the video.
scoobydont said " Some might even say it's a rant !"
If it's a rant, it's a good rant. It is hard for white folks to understand the oppression that the black folks suffered and still suffer. Living in Canada, on the west coast, where our thinking is very liberal and we have a large variety of races mingling quite well, it is even harder for me to truly understand. Of course education informs us but it fall short of "walking for three days in your neighbours moccasins". My family originates from northern Europe therefore white. My nephew married a black girl who originated from Africa, through the Caribbean. Lovely girl and we are proud to have her in our family.
One man, years ago, when asked what race he was, answered, " I am a Mother Earthian". I like that and use it often to describe myself.